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How often do you go out to dinner/lunch?

How often do you eat out?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you go out, or get take out food?

    • Once a week.
    • Twice a week.
    • Three times a week.
    • Four times a week.
    • Five times a week.
    • Six times a week.
    • Daily.
    • I don't eat out.
    • Every 1-3 months.

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So how often do you eat out, by eat out I mean go to a restaurant or fast food joint. In you post also say what type of places you go to? Sit down? Fast Food? Coffee Shops?



EDIT: I attempted to add more choices and it blanked the votes!!!! :(

Edited by hndgns4hrts

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I used to travel 5-days a week for my job so I ate all my meals at restaurants. Now I'm off the road and I rarely eat out - I just got sick of it. I really try to avoid fast food at all costs so I'd say maybe 3-4 month, usually sit down restaurants or maybe take-out pizza once a month.

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I eat out more during the regular semesters since I'm at school most of the day. I'll probably have lunch or dinner on campus, so I would have to say 4-5 times a week. During the summer months it goes down to maybe 2-3 times a week, usually just going out with friends or grabbing a quick bite before my evening classes.

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Guest ecthlipsis

If you count coffee I "go out" about everyday. Actual meals, fast food or other, probably 3-4 times a week. I probably should eat out more, as I get 50% off at my work. Nothing beats an $8.50 steak dinner and free drink. Amusingly, I eat there maybe once a week at most. Usually more like once bi-weekly.


Also, you might want to add an option for "I don't go out to eat" or "less than once a week".

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Usually have lunch on campus, so pretty much every weekday. Quite often go out into town on Saturday, so have lunch out then. So between 4 - 6 times a week usually.

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I voted daily. I work downtown, so I always walk somewhere to get lunch. Usually a tuna wrap, or a bagel, or some soup, that sort of thing. For dinner I usually eat in. Maybe once or twice a week I'll go out for dinner.

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not quite as drastic, but like 2-3 times a month. But then again, Marty, we ain't american :P


Marty? :O Markie! :D


We only really eat out or get a take away (usually a take away) on special occasions. I find it gets a bit boring and same-y if done more frequently! :blink:

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Erm... I've not eaten any fast food in ages, and I hardly ever go out to a restaurant... so I'm in the same category as markie. If I'm not eating at home or at work it'll probably be round a friend's place.

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I voted "4 times a week." I started going out for lunch only once or twice a week when I started this job, but now I go out practically every day. For one, I'm often too lazy to make a sandwich...secondly, it's a social activity...I go out with coworkers.


In addition, I often stop at Dunkin Donuts for an Iced Coffee or Starbucks for a Frap...in the winter when I want something warm, I'll often stop at 7-Eleven for coffee/cap.


As for dinner...I don't go out to dinner that much (though I went out twice this weekend because of my bday). Usually, it's more like once every month. June's just an anomaly because of my bday and my bro's bday and my parents' anniversary all falling within that time.

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