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OCC Poll: Your thoughts on OCC News


Your thoughts on OCC News  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the OCC News?

    • I don't read any of it
    • I only read it sometimes
    • There's not enough
    • There's just the right amount
    • There's too much
    • Where's the OCC News???
    • Other

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I voted for "I don't read it" because there wasn't any "I usually don't bother with it" or "I only read it sometimes" options...as I usually don't bother with the front page, sorry. If it's posted in the forums, then I'm more apt to read it...and if that then brings me to the front page I may skim a bit, but that's rare.

"Again" I will vote tomorrow or the next day! :P

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The "featured news" doesnt really catch my attention. I dont see much of the real news because Ive got to scroll down the page to most of it. When I hit the front page most of what I look at is the new posts and the "forums" button.


Edit* I just noticed that the OCC game servers post is always there. I never realized there was any newer news.

Edited by SMeeD

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yeah i think that there is a good amount of news here at OCC for us to read if we want to or have the time to ;) I like to know there is somewhere to go to look at some good news/reviews for new parts and current things from other computer enthuesists (sp?)



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I posted "not enough". Not so much because I'm displeased with a lack of news, but just because there's no such thing as too much IMO.


I do agree that some organization would make it a little easier to digest, but I don't think it's a big deal. I'd just like to see the reviews in one pile and the articles in another.

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