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Wattage switch

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I was wondering if I need to switch my power suply from 115 to 450 watts?..................i just got a radeon x1600 pro 512 MB and it hooks to the power suply....................i did one of those power usage calulators and i'm using around 306 watts with out the video card ( because i don't know what it uses)..........I'm afraid to try switching it until I know it wont fry my computer..................

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I'm assuming you are referring to the small slide switch on the rear of the PSU next to the input power cord. If so, that is NOT a wattage selector switch but it used to switch between 115-120V mains and 220-240V mains. If you live in North America, then you definitely want to leave it set to 115V.

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Yep, leave well alone if that's what you are talking about.

Also, I wouldn't trust online power usage calculators to tell you how much you are using.

That can only be found out through proper measuring.


Information on the power supply you have would be useful :)

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I did that once, I'm in the UK.


I switched it from 230V which is what it should be over here to 115V while it was still plugged in. All i can say is that the mini fireworks display was quite impressive, rather bright green lights coming from inside the power supply.


Not to worry it was only a cheap PSU, and i learnt a lesson.

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Thanks for the info guys............another question :)...........what does it mean when you hear your power supply clicking while the computer is on , it sounds like it does when it starts up ?..............


this started when i got the ati video card that hooks to the power supply??


the power supply i have is the one that came with this case?:


10-Bay BIO II ATX Window Case w/450-Watt PS

Edited by compfast

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Thanks for the info guys............another question :)...........what does it mean when you hear your power supply clicking while the computer is on , it sounds like it does when it starts up ?..............


this started when i got the ati video card that hooks to the power supply??


the power supply i have is the one that came with this case?:


10-Bay BIO II ATX Window Case w/450-Watt PS

Might be a bad fan?

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that could just be normal, my Enermax Noisetaker 600W did that on every boot .... until it blew up :P but that has nothing to do with the clicking, the model they gave me in exchange did the same thing (can't tell you if it still does it, its sitting in the box somewhere in my room, the BeQuiet Straightpower 500W is just quieter ;))

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Thanks for the info guys............another question :)...........what does it mean when you hear your power supply clicking while the computer is on , it sounds like it does when it starts up ?..............


this started when i got the ati video card that hooks to the power supply??


the power supply i have is the one that came with this case?:


10-Bay BIO II ATX Window Case w/450-Watt PS


Probably the electronic breaker in the PSU, I have the same clicking in most of my PSUs.

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