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7950GX2 Overheating.


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Hi folks,

We need some help!

An XFX 7950GX2 is running at 90 to 95 degrees centigrade.

There are artifacts and flickering while playing Titan Quest and Spellforce2, and a few other games.

We need urgent advice from other owners and advice on better cooling.

We recently cleaned dust out of the card but that didn't help.


Regards from Cespenar.


MSI K9N Platinum

AM@ 4200+

XFX 7950 GX2

2 gig Gskill Ram

+ peripherals.

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it could be 3 things


1-your gpu fan died or turnned off in the nvidia control panel


2- you have no case fans moving air around or the air is not moving out of the case


3- your place is like 85F and thats why its running so hot.


an a bonus maybe you jut have bad luck and the heatsink wasnt put on right therfore you should RMA it

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Those temps are pretty high, even my OC'd G80 only gets up to 86C on full load. :O

Do you have a fan next to your card? If not you may want to consider modding your case for more airflow.

Is the card overclocked? If so, try running at stock and watch the temps.

How long have you had the card?

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it could be 3 things


1-your gpu fan died or turnned off in the nvidia control panel


2- you have no case fans moving air around or the air is not moving out of the case


3- your place is like 85F and thats why its running so hot.


an a bonus maybe you jut have bad luck and the heatsink wasnt put on right therfore you should RMA it

All sound advice. A GX2 obviously generates more heat than a normal card since it has two cores in close proximity to one another. Make sure you have good airflow in your case. If your case can accomodate a side fan, that would be best. Try having that as an intake fan, pushing air directly on the card. If that doesn't show any improvement you can try flipping it to an exhaust fan, but that's probably not going to help since you should have exhaust in the back which will get weakened by the side exhaust.

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Hi to Hornybluecow, Celcius and Claymeow,

Thanks for the input.

The card is just under a year old. It may be onboard fan problems and it is just past summer here.

I like the idea of the side fan, and I guess that will happen. But two things have to be done: The fans are hard to monitor and I have to find out about the control panel.

I just posted a question in Cooling to find out why the fan adjuster is no longer in the control panel I think the post was nVidia 100% fan speed.

Thanks again from Cespenar.

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