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I just got my tongue pierced....


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Yeh, its done, Im sitting here with a piece of metal through my tongue. The worst part isnt rly the actual piercing, its them holding your tongue with these oversized tweezers, and as you try to pull away from a needle going through it, they just kinda tug back on it, not very pleasant. Im good though.



Heres a pic;




Well, I might go to sleep, its 2AM and I kinda need it, huuge party tomorow. Night.

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The "firewielding" pics look sweet, the other light waving ones look kick arse too..

Those snakebite piercings look better than the tongue though, in my opinion.


What a bubble buster, Im really happy with it. I thinks its sexy, and my girlfriend likes it, so thats what counts.

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Got a lisp yet? :)


I agree that the actual piercing isn't the worst part. I am blessed (cursed) with a rather small tongue, so I had a dead hard time trying to "expose" enough of it to get mine done :rolleyes:


Killed for a few days, hated the huge initial bar... but now I have a smaller one (and flat top / bottom instead of a big ball, way more comfortable IMO) it just feels really weird when it's not there.


Fun stuff

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