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Preferred Hard Drive Brand


Preferred Hard Drive Brand (internal only)  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your preferred hard drive brand?

    • Western Digital
    • Seagate
    • Maxtor
    • Samsung
    • Hitachi
    • HP
    • Fujitsu
    • Excelstor
    • IBM
    • Toshiba
    • Origin Storage

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Ive used Seagate, maxtor and western digital drives.


One drive that died on me was a western digital.


Ill be sticking with seagate from now on.. You just can't beat those warranties...

For my next Build: Two Seagate 160 GB, 16 MB Cache, SATA II in RAID 0. mmmmmm, thats nice...

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Ive used Seagate, maxtor and western digital drives.


One drive that died on me was a western digital.


Ill be sticking with seagate from now on.. You just can't beat those warranties...

For my next Build: Two Seagate 160 GB, 16 MB Cache, SATA II in RAID 0. mmmmmm, thats nice...

Seagate all the way :)


And why dont you just get 320 gb's sence there only 20$ or so more than 160gb's ;)

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Its just what I am planning right now, its bound to change in three of four months when I build it.


Also, I will have to spend no more than 1000$, therefore, even though the price per GB may be less for a larger drive it would still get me closer to my budget max.... I might even settle for less than 160GB's. But again, Its all suject to change in the three to four months I have to wait...

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this is a tough question for me.



my choice has always been quantum because of the atlas series of drives. the BEST drives period. when maxtor (who at the time was the best in marketing the worst in drives) bought quantum, and basically closed thier plants in favor of using quantum's they became the winner by default.


now with seagate buying out maxtor... I'm divided here. seagate drives to me are not all thier cracked up to be :( and it seems the great atlas will be GONE in favor of the craptacular high end 10k / 15k 'cudas.




WD... I have to say I don't care for them cuz thier prices are outrageous, plus they truely lack the high end enterprise class drives I like (find me 15k scsi's in thier parts for prices similar to what everyone else has).



Seagate / Toshiba (TSST) is my choice in 2.5, 1.8" and budget desktop drives. and they're quickly becoming my choice for big enterprise stuff too. quality is good, prices are even better.



hitachi seems to go in spurts of decent and good. which isn't what I can tollerate. I expect the old days of Quantum ALL the time.

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I havent owned enough to have a favorite either. Ive owned a few maxtors and although I always expected them to die, they have been working fine. One is four years old and has been running in a steamy dell for its whole life, it still runs fine.


Although, if I were to buy another drive it would probably be WD.

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Seagate's warranty ftw!, however the practice of making the new drives running on ATA/133 run slower than the newest SATA pisses me off even if im not buying them (other comapnies dont seem to handicap the drive based on interface, they claim it's for noise prevention, if so why not a SATA version (small cable better air flow silent system afterall)


Ive bene buying WD recently due to price/performance, Ive never had a WD/Seagate drive fail on me...so warranty always tells me to go Seagate, but the 5-10% premium the last few times i bought for slightly slower drives told me go WD...and I listened hehe.


Ive also considered Samsung and Hitachi for drives but havent found the drive i need at the price i want with them at the right time yet.


I'm ok with my laptop's Fujitsu HDD and my previous Toshiba laptop's...Toshiba HDD was silent yet still had speed (it was a VERY nice for a 4200rpm model). However idk about their reliability as my first 2 lapopst were relaced after less than 2yr use and the 3rd was a yr old in Feb.

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