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Does anyone use Yahoo! Answers?

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When ever I'm bored I usually go on and answer some tech related questions, but occasionally I run into a question that is so increddibly rediculous that I have no choice but to flame the person. (its usually a question that my computer illiterate grandmother could answer)


It may not be the right thing to do but sometimes you just have to put people in there place, Most of the time though I answer meaningfuly and attempt to help the people on there.


Another thing that ticks me off is when someone blatantly answers a question wrong to the point where it will cuse someone bodily harm, destroy their hardwae or make them buy something that is too much money...


Who uses this?


Does anyone have any funny stories/questions that they've seen on there?

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Never used it, but maybe I'll start.


BTW, word of advice, if you're going to "flame" or be sarcastic, make sure what you say is 100% correct. I read your latest answer, and the person after you pwned you ;):P


EDIT: Oh man, thanks for giving me something else to waste my time on. Here's my profile.

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BTW, word of advice, if you're going to "flame" or be sarcastic, make sure what you say is 100% correct. I read your latest answer, and the person after you pwned you ;):P


EDIT: Oh man, thanks for giving me something else to waste my time on. Here's my profile.

It depends, whether its windows reading it or hard drive manufacturers stating it...

I just figured the number "1000" is easier and would confuse the person less.


Your link doesn't work either, you have to log out and copy your link so it doesn't route to "my profile"...

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1000 bytes = 1 MB (megabytes)

1000 Megabytes = 1 GB (gigabyte)

1000 Gigabytes = 1 TB (Terabyte)


1000 bytes = 1 MB ???


lol, c'mon man, that's so wrong, it's beyond wrong... 1024 bytes = 1KB (kilobyte)... if you go by the IEEE naming system then 1024 bytes = Kibibyte (as in "a thousand" in base2 = Kibi) = 1 KiB


i like the ORIGINAL naming system of Kilobyte... in general (this holds very true), storage is in base2, and data speed is in base10... so if something is 128kbps it's 128,000 bits/sec (baud)... this applies to mp3 bitrate, network speed on LANs, internet speed etc...


i can't believe you said 1000 bytes = 1MB


shame on you lol


wow, there are some really retarded questions on there... "how do it reboot my computer?"... i don't care how tolerant i'm supposed to be... if you can't figure this out, just give up and use a pen, paper and calculator instead of a computer... reboot = new piece of paper

Edited by hardnrg

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1000 bytes = 1 MB ???


lol, c'mon man, that's so wrong, it's beyond wrong... 1024 bytes = 1KB (kilobyte)... if you go by the IEEE naming system then 1024 bytes = Kibibyte (as in "a thousand" in base2 = Kibi) = 1 KiB

i can't believe you said 1000 bytes = 1MB


shame on you lol

I thought something looked odd...

I knew that, I guess that I just forgot to type Kilo...


And like I said before I was going for the easiest way for that person to understand the system, which is what HD manufacturers use...


I agree shame on me...



wow, there are some really retarded questions on there... "how do it reboot my computer?"... i don't care how tolerant i'm supposed to be... if you can't figure this out, just give up and use a pen, paper and calculator instead of a computer... reboot = new piece of paper
Agreed, some people are quite dumb...

(although I made a stupid mistake earlier, there is a difference)

Edited by Andrewr05

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