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Is this a good super pi time for my setup


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here are my 3200+ winchester results in sandra

x86_64 : xp-64 bit beta results with 64 bit sandra; 5:6 divider = ram divider

without divider, 2x512 patriot xbl running 3-4-3-8-1T timings 1:1 with 10x multi






hmmm... i think i may have deleted or just not backed up my old 3200 spi results... even my 3500 venice ones i only have the 2.92ghz and above results...

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thx trying to fin d your old results hardnrg and not posting ones that are way out of my league :) I know my system is old :-\ but there is not much I can do it about so does and one have super pie scores from this time period

any advice on how to improve them would be much appreciated

btw I can get about another 100mhz out the proc until till I get a better psu

Edited by spectrascope

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  • 7 months later...

**EDIT** OMG WOW this is old thread! Sry for reviving, cant find delete option >.< **EDIT**

thx at least I can see it is on the mark for on the mark for where it should be

more score are welcome post as well

My baby opty 144 gets 30.4 secs @ 2.8ghz. Its all about the mem bandwidth - highest clockspeed may not get highest score.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dont mean to topic steal ... but what makes a Good SuperPI? High Mem Bandwitdh? Dual Core?


My new Rig just got 17.00 :) Which compared to my old FX-57 seems awesome! (FX-57 got 30)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dont mean to topic steal ... but what makes a Good SuperPI? High Mem Bandwitdh? Dual Core? bolth


My new Rig just got 17.00 :) Which compared to my old FX-57 seems awesome! (FX-57 got 30)


Edited by JS1

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