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Bug: Posting, Can't See Tool Bar Writing


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Pretty self explanatory from looking where my pink arrows are pointing in the picture :) Theres supposed to be text in these boxes, but the text is white..... and the background is white. White on white isn't great for reading. It's annoying. I can't see what's written there. ( should i go on? :) )

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It's not much of a bug .. it's more of a skin thing.


We are using the CSS/Images for the default IPB skin and therefore the writing there is white instead of black.


This will be fixed on the future release of the skin .. :)

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It's not much of a bug .. it's more of a skin thing.


Hate to sound like a bastard here, but I really can't understand how you think this is not a bug. It's obviously not intended functionality / an error in the code for the skin.


We are using the CSS/Images for the default IPB skin and therefore the writing there is white instead of black.


This will be fixed on the future release of the skin .. :)


At the risk of sounding like an arrogant / ignorant jerk... I'm having difficulty understanding why someone can't get in there and fix it locally, instead of just waiting and ignoring the problem. I assume someone here has access to the style sheet and could fix it with a bit of effort, but we're all just too lazy? :blush::ph34r:



But fine. I'll have a go myself:





border: 1px solid #7585B8;
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
padding: 2px 1px 2px 4px;
font-size: 11px;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
color: #000000; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< add this line
background-image: url('rte-dd-bg.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;


Seems to work if I save the stuff locally, though I do admit my CSS skills are, quite frankly, rubbish.






border: 1px solid #7585B8;
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
padding: 2px 1px 2px 4px;
font-size: 11px;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
background-image: url('rte-dd-bg.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
	color: #000000;


attach-menubutton could probably do with the same thing.

Edited by markiemrboo

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It's something I have already done in the past but I'm just waiting for one of the admins to upload the update.


No need to be rude about it, but if it bothers you that bad then simply ignore it. There's basically no use for those drop down boxes as no one uses size 1 & 3-7. And I don't see anyone choosing their own font.

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It's something I have already done in the past but I'm just waiting for one of the admins to upload the update.


Good to hear.


No need to be rude about it, but if it bothers you that bad then simply ignore it.


I wasn't actually trying to be rude at all, hence me starting off with


Hate to sound like a bastard here,



At the risk of sounding like an arrogant / ignorant jerk


If I was *trying* to be rude, I am sure you would probably know about it :P


Ignoring bugs is something I am personally not very good at. Though I am aware that most other people (probably everyone else here actually) really just don't care at all, but it's a bug and this is the "bug reporting" forum after all.


There's basically no use for those drop down boxes as no one uses size 1 & 3-7. And I don't see anyone choosing their own font.


I'll interpret that as you saying it's 'a low priority bug', which is fair enough I guess as it is quite minor. It's not like the text on the "Add Reply" and "Preview Post" buttons is missing! Although, saying that, when adding an attachment it told me to look for "Manage Current Attachments", which had me puzzled for a minute as the text for that drop down box is also white on white.

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Although, saying that, when adding an attachment it told me to look for "Manage Current Attachments", which had me puzzled for a minute as the text for that drop down box is also white on white.




That has gotten me a few times as well

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  • 1 month later...
Sooo.. why isn't this fixed yet? :) Two months now?


(and yes I am aware of how old this thread is)


Because there is other things are a priority right now and that does not fall under a priority..... :(


We are reskinning the forums over the next few weeks here so expect alot of things to start to be fixed.

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