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Seattle Airport Removes Christmas Trees


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Think this... if somone says Merry Christmasto you, nothing happens. If somone says Happy Hanukkah to you, you might stop and say.. weird? I don't celebrate Haunukkah, why are they assuming I do? It's the same way for anyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas. Just say Happy Holidays, or if you know them, change it to what they celebrate.


Oh, and I thought of OCC today when I walked past the 12 foot menorah on my school's green. Everyone should just move up to Vermont, we're far cooler than the rest of this danged country B:)


Actually, don't move up here, that's what we have going for us. :wub:

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i still want to see somebody give back their Christmas bonus because they are offended by the word Christmas.

in 25 years i have never had an employee who was so offended...

i am going to make a point of asking them this year.

anyone who is offended by my offering of Christmas bonuses to make their holiday a little brighter...

is quite welcome to refuse my gift.

i will not rename my gift.

to clarify...

these bonuses are for Christmas, and do not have anything to do with their year end profit sharing bonuses.


a true Christian is tolerant of all people.

if they are not, then they are not Christian.

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Everyone should just move up to Vermont, we're far cooler than the rest of this danged country B:)

Actually, don't move up here, that's what we have going for us. :wub:

AGREED (I live in NH)

All the worlds stupidity can stay right where it is... <_<

Edited by Andrewr05

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Pollitical correctness gone retarded! :P


Christmas trees, & Santa... where's the religious significance? the current style Santa is more heavily based on the 50's Coca-Cola styled icon than his historical counterpart/predessor St. Nicholas of the 4th century & I don't recall anything about decorated pine trees in the Biblical Studies we had at school (way back whenever) :blink:


Perhaps they coulda' just sicked Mel Gibson on the Rabbi eh? ROTFLMAO :lol:




BTW Lo' a decent human being attempts to be tolerant of others (and their beliefs) religious upbringing/indoctrination has nothing to do with it ;)

Edited by tazwegion

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Wait doesn't holiday kinda look like holy-day? Maybe we shouldn't use that either... And the Christmas tree actually has pagan roots: Wiki


With likely origins in European pre-Christian pagan cultures, the Christmas tree has gained an extensive history and become a common sight during the winter season in numerous cultures.


Hmmmm... not too definite eh? :P


All-in-all... isn't it supposed to be the season of goodwill to all? not setting your lawyer loose on one another over symbolisim <_<

Edited by tazwegion

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i still want to see somebody give back their Christmas bonus because they are offended by the word Christmas.

in 25 years i have never had an employee who was so offended...

i am going to make a point of asking them this year.

anyone who is offended by my offering of Christmas bonuses to make their holiday a little brighter...

is quite welcome to refuse my gift.

i will not rename my gift.

to clarify...

these bonuses are for Christmas, and do not have anything to do with their year end profit sharing bonuses.


a true Christian is tolerant of all people.

if they are not, then they are not Christian.

I agree with your last statement to the point that that's how it's supposed to be, but it doesn't alway hold true unfortunately.


As for your other comments regarding a "Christmas bonus," well first off, if you DID go ahead and do what you proposed, an employee can easily sue you and easily win if he/she wanted to. Secondly, I don't receive a Christmas bonus. I get an "End of Year Bonus" ... whose name actually makes more sense because part of its calculation involves a share of the year's profits.


and to taz...you know everything you posted has already been said, right? :P

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I agree with your last statement to the point that that's how it's supposed to be, but it doesn't alway hold true unfortunately.


As for your other comments regarding a "Christmas bonus," well first off, if you DID go ahead and do what you proposed, an employee can easily sue you and easily win if he/she wanted to. Secondly, I don't receive a Christmas bonus. I get an "End of Year Bonus" ... whose name actually makes more sense because part of its calculation involves a share of the year's profits.


and to taz...you know everything you posted has already been said, right? :P



if you read my post closely...

you will see that the Christmas bonus is in addition to the year end profit sharing bonus.

it is a gift from me, to my employees.

nothing more, or less.

i surely hope somebody would sue me because they refused my gift for what is was called.

my corporate attorney would have a field day with the moron that brought that suit.

i have absolutely no control over what somebody freely chooses to refuse to accept.

i am therefore not liable.

they would also be very unhappy working for me after attempting to sue me for something so stupid...

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if you read my post closely...

you will see that the Christmas bonus is in addition to the year end profit sharing bonus.

it is a gift from me, to my employees.

nothing more, or less.

i surely hope somebody would sue me because they refused my gift for what is was called.

my corporate attorney would have a field day with the moron that brought that suit.

i have absolutely no control over what somebody freely chooses to refuse to accept.

i am therefore not liable.

they would also be very unhappy working for me after attempting to sue me for something so stupid...

If you seriously think you can win a case where you discriminate based on religious beliefs, wow are you sadly mistaken.

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& I don't recall anything about decorated pine trees in the Biblical Studies we had at school (way back whenever) :blink:


Me either.


Perhaps they coulda' just sicked Mel Gibson on the Rabbi eh? ROTFLMAO :lol:


That would be great


BTW Lo' a decent human being attempts to be tolerant of others (and their beliefs) religious upbringing/indoctrination has nothing to do with it ;)


What the hell does that have to do with anything?? Thanks for enlightening me anyway :rolleyes:


There are three things I hate in this world:




& Australians :lol:


(James Gregory)

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