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Socket 775 Oc Competition Thread

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If you were ordering a new 6600 this month, would you order the one you linked, or take a chance with newegg?

I think I would take my chance with newegg the new G chips are supposed to be better than these F chips. @ NRG I will let you no on the temps as my A/C went out yesterday and I had it fixed but it has just now got the house back to a stable cool ambient

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how hot does it run @ 1.65v?

I do not run it at 1.65 except short periods and I have seen some temps get to 66c 67c right before I put the resovoir in a small tupaware filled with ice water and brought it down 3 or 4c but I have been having trouble with my central A/C. They guy came out and put freon in it two days ago and today I noticed it getting hot in here again so they come back out and found a leak and fixed it supposedly and had to pull a vacuum and recharge it. So no telling exactly what the ambient was. Anyway ambient right now 24c and here are the temps at 1.55 vcore....



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I found myself with some spare time (doesn't happen too often) so I decided to turn my attention to the OC on my main office PC and see if there was anything left in the tank. I figured the cpu had some leg left in it but I wasn't holding out too much hope for the Mushkin (econo) DDR2 800 memory. After a fair amount of piddling around though I managed to increase my OC from 3200Mhz to 3400Mhz.


Here are the new results:







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Well I guess the Arctic Silver is settling some my system is getting more stable at higher clocks. I have been folding with it and running 3DMark06. Anyway King heres a new Superpi 32m score for me. :D



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Hey road-runner, how come you got exactly the same settings for this 4GHz SuperPI 32M run and the previous one, but this one is 2 minutes faster? That's more than odd!


I will not add this score for now, as it looks like one of those screenshots where one SuperPI instance was run after the other.

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Hey road-runner, how come you got exactly the same settings for this 4GHz SuperPI 32M run and the previous one, but this one is 2 minutes faster? That's more than odd!


I will not add this score for now, as it looks like one of those screenshots where one SuperPI instance was run after the other.

Sorry but its not, I have been reading threads on how to get better scores by changing settings in windows and that is what I done tweaked windows if you do not believe me that is fine. This is the only forum that requires you to run two at the same time. I will post you a single run if my word is not good enough. And it is my opinion that that is the way others have got the high scores also because without doing anything to windows and on a fresh format I get that original score that I posted at a faster speed than any other C2D.

Edited by road-runner

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alright, tweaking windows and what not is cool with me, but you could have just added that to the post to make it clear. I'll add it in right away.

If I had run one after another wouldn't you think the score would be close to this then?



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