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Socket 775 Oc Competition Thread

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Vcore on that one? Just out of curiosity!


@ chavalcito, can't wait for the OC on that one, dunno if thats a good or bad stepping though, I have no clue on Conroe steppings, not like the good ole' 939 days :)

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Vcore on that one? Just out of curiosity!


@ chavalcito, can't wait for the OC on that one, dunno if thats a good or bad stepping though, I have no clue on Conroe steppings, not like the good ole' 939 days :)


I think you meant Roadrunner. He just purchased a hand picked stepping. I assume that means it is a good one.

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Just got my new rig up and running. Heres a Suicide and a OCCT. I think the chip has a little more in it. The OCCT is at 1.55 vcore setting in the bios. My temps were running 55c-59c changing as the air condition cut on and of in the house with ambient of 24c-26c nearest I can tell with one of those old mercury thermometers. These are on water.


Suicide 4158 cpuz valadation



Edited by road-runner

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Holy crap Road-Runner! That is fast and a great overclock. This is your hand-picked CPU, right? Do you know if it is stable there yet? I am waiting for your Orthos now.

Its the cpu I bought from Tank Guys. I am running superpi 32m now. I am not sure if my cooling can hold up for Orthos but if makes 32m I will try OCCT if it makes that I will try Orthos then

Edited by road-runner

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