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Password Protected Door Unlocker

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Dude, it is in the guys house lol. So you are unlikely to get the keyboard nicked and if so the sibling who did it gets the smack-down from the parents. It would not get broken, full stop.


Keys are obsolete. Everyone in your college dorm probably uses keys to enter their rooms. Why not be different, and make a home-made alternative authentication system? Now here at MIT the administration actually cares if the door locks or strike plates are modified, so I need a way of locking and unlocking the door without modifying any door components.


It sounded to me like he was in some College / Uni accomodation, and if it's anything like the Uni I went to... pretty much anyone could have run away with the keyboard if they really wanted to :)

Edited by markiemrboo

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It sounded to me like he was in some College / Uni accomodation, and if it's anything like the Uni I went to... pretty much anyone could have run away with the keyboard if they really wanted to :)


Lol, I'd have the thing removable, IE: buy a laptop NUM pad, cut it, and hook it up to maybe some XLR connectors or something, and VOILA! That solved that problem :P

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are u paranoid or something? from ur other threads of u havign so much protection on ur computer that no1 can access it and stuff, it seems like ur afraid of any1 getting in your room, why dont u just hibernate in there or something

hahah that was funny lol, im going to put that in my sig :P. Cool contraption anyways. You should make one with a fingure print reader instead thou, o and a keyboard sorta like a double password then youl be reallly secure lol

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I had forgotten about this thread, but now that it is revived, here is the combination lock I was talking about earlier.


All it does right now is light up the LEDs depending on what has been entered. It would be pretty easy to hook up a solenoid or actuator to fire as a lock mechanism, but I would need to modify the code a little.

The code that is in it currently is the result of 3 people coding for about 10 hrs together.



  • .5 second flash on red every 4 seconds to indicate locked status
  • 2 second flash on green when unlocked
  • 2 second flash on red when wrong code entered
  • 40 second flash on red when wrong code entered 3 times, no input allowed
  • timeout after 4 seconds if code entry started and left unfinished.
  • combination change mode after correct entry






Edited by 94Camaro

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now that is worth it, u have a guide on how to construct one of those to unlock a door?

Well it's pretty simple really. Learn assembly and get a basic understanding of microcontrollers. Well, simple in theory... :unsure:


The keypad is just 12 buttons that connect 2 of 7 pins at any given time. You actually have to use some logic and reading voltage changes on the pins of the microcontroller to determine which switch was pressed. The keypad doesn't actually send a '4' or whatever to the chip.


The little black 16 pin dip is the heart of the thing. It's a Freescale Semiconductor HCS08 microcontroller. (Those are AA batteries to give you a size reference.)

The lock works by comparing a series of voltage changes caused by pressing keys and comparing them to the established "combination"

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