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Some Hdr Photos Of I Took Today


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Took these at like 12 AM using HDR (3 shots, +/- 2 full stops) downtown Toronto. Whadyyah guys think? HDRs not only for games!


copyofghhf6.th.jpg copyofghostsok3.th.jpg copyofcopyofleafhousegw3.th.jpg copyofcopyofgeneratedhdrtonemappedxc4.th.jpg and the happy place

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that's really neat....they don't even look real at first glace. i really like the 2nd one with the side of the building. it really looks like a game. i took a stab at it a minute ago, and the concept works but it doesn't look ANYTHING like what you've shown. how'd you get it to look like that? just the 4 pictures...adding 2 fstop each time? my camera's fstop goes to i think...7.5 or something.

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Those are amazing! Great work.


HDR photos are where you take mutiple exposures that allow different amounts of light in. This gives you a lot of photos, some that are over exposed so the whites are way to bright but you get a lot of detail in the shadows, some the are exposed normally so it looks like a normal picture, and some that are underexposed so shadows are big blobs and and lots of details are in the light.


Do you have higher res copies?

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Yup, Ill upload them later. The thing is though, at full size you can see a lot of blur from the plants such as in the last picture. THat was made with 3 pictures (ISO 400, F5.6) 6sec, 1.6 sec and 25 sec exposure. It was also windy sooo :P the smaller version looks better.

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Yeah, probably easier to do during the daytime so you're not using huge exposure times.

They look kinda strange, but in a good way.


I assume with your camera if you did it during the day you'd be able to set it up to take several different exposures in quick succession.


Were they processed in RAW using PS?

Edited by jammin

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I don't know if your camera supports the RAW format, but if it does you can make an HDR from one exposure and limit the blur induced. Just push the raw file in each direction and export to tiff. As long as you didn't blow your highlights too badly this works very well.

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