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3DMark06 Scores


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sorry all for the mess up...still saying my 7900gs's arent linked - could it be something as simple as the SLI bridge being backwards? I'm 100% sure - just checked - it's hooked up #1 to card 1 - closest to the CPU, and #2 on card 2.


hardnrg - everything on my system is currently at stock speeds; I've been having a weird issue w/simple rebooting - sometimes the PC reboots, sometimes it just shuts off when it should reboot - and have been wary of OC-ing until I got whatever's wrong fixed. been through 3 PSU's now - the one in my sig was bought on Wednesday, still having that weird reboot blip...

Yea, that definetly is too low! I got that with an X1950Pro and an X2 4400+ ;)

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bone stock e6700 (2.6) and bfg 8800GTS OC2 (stock runs 580, 850)

you can improve your score (and performance) a lot ... I got like 12,280 or something with my rig... get to OCing :D

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you can improve your score (and performance) a lot ... I got like 12,280 or something with my rig... get to OCing :D




i just wanted to test everything out stock wise and see how it performed.


the rig is orthos'ing right now @ 350x9 1.3v 333/667 strap.


if it holds up im going to lower the vcore and try to have it stable ~1.25v on this stock cooling. :)


super pi 1M at stock was 19seconds and now it ran it at 16s

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