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Does anyone have any thoughts on the Coolermaster extreme power plus 500?


I whipped up a computer for my wife's friend a while ago using a socket A motherboard but the power supply died during a power outage (it was a cheap generic pos that came with a cheap case).


The reason I'm looking at this psu is because it's cheap locally ($1 difference with the 460 watt unit so what the hell) and seems to be from a "reputable" manufacturer.



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Chieftec is a pretty good company actualy. The PSUs are reliable and they dont cost a fortune either. I have 2 of them: one 750w Super-Power and one 500w Smart-Power and they work rly fine.


Never used or seen this one but according to the review its good...


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Chieftec is a pretty good company actualy. The PSUs are reliable and they dont cost a fortune either. I have 2 of them: one 750w Super-Power and one 500w Smart-Power and they work rly fine.


Never used or seen this one but according to the review its good...



Does this test really tell you anything? What was the power supply loaded at?


My testing method isn't perfect but at least I would take it up to 750W.





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Calm down dude, was the only review i could find... just wanted to say they make good PSUs.

Why hasn't OCC made a review of any of the chieftec PSUs? I mean they have 5 different types, all types have loads of different wattage versions and stuff...


EDIT: What about this review? Chieftec CFS-1000G-DF

Yes its translated from norwgian and yes it has some spelling etc mistakes as its auto-translated, wont stop u from getting the point for sure.

Edited by PingoPongo

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Calm down dude, was the only review i could find... just wanted to say they make good PSUs.

Why hasn't OCC made a review of any of the chieftec PSUs? I mean they have 5 different types, all types have loads of different wattage versions and stuff...


Calm down, I'm not uncalm (is that a real word?). Do you see any exclamation marks? Just trying to help. ;)


At the bottom of the page there's a Review Request tab. Put a request in and you never know?





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Uncalm = to disquiet. Nvm about the calm thing...

Well anyway check the review i linked to in the EDIT of my prevorious post.


Another edit, yes i should check stuff more thoroughly before pressing the post button...


Edited by PingoPongo

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The Norwegian review makes no mention of power factor, efficiency or DC quality and the xbitlabs review seems pretty neutral. What can I say?






Well the reviews i posted earlier are not too trustable (thats a english word right?)...

Yea xbitlabs.com could give it a rating etc like OCC does.


Thus, it is only the Super Power series that I can find impeccable, except for UPS incompatibility (but not all users have UPSes). These PSUs are very good, delivering high output power and excellent electrical parameters. They are quiet and have a normal selection of connectors which will suit not only a home/gaming PC but also a workstation or even a small file server.


Oh and im not a shop owner and i dont work for chieftec so the Review Requests button is pretty useless to me.

Edited by PingoPongo

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