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Nscom227 - online

BIOL100 - online

POLIsci101 10:30am


Teach skiing 9 to 3 sat.


Work everywhere inbetween


Where do you teach skiing? I ski at crystal often (dad volunteers there and gets discount season pass).



School 7:35-2:10

Work (bout 2 days/week + 1 weekend day) between 4-10

Surf the net/procrastonate 2:30-sleep

Hangout with friends and everything else goes under the procrasonate catagory because im not doing my homework during that time :P

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where do you work?? cause that sounds awsome!!


I work as a consultant for a pharmaceutical company. I handle everything related to pest control there. Keeping the drugs they manufacture pest free. :)


Basically I have some equipment that I check everyday and maybe do some inspection to see if any problems are developing. The equipment prevents pretty much any major problems. It only takes me an hour or two to check it.


Other than that, I pretty much sit in my office and read or browse OCC until I figure that no problems are going to come up on that given day and I feel like going home. :)

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Monday: Power Systems 9-10, Linear Systems II 10-11, Electronic and Photonic Devices 11-12, Symphonic Winds 12-1, Power Systems Lab 1-3


Tuesday: Electronics II 9:30-10:45, Stat (Calculus based) 11-12:15, Jazz Band 6-8.


Wednesday: Same as Monday until 1. Linear Systems II Lab 3-5.


Thursday: Same as Tuesday in addition to grading Statics & Dynamics HW.


Friday: Same as Monday until 12, no labs.


So in short I'm pretty busy.

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Wake up at 0630

Shower, eat breakfast, out the door by 0715

Go to school for 0750

Go home / to work at around 1500

At home by 2230

Sleep at 0200 most nights.


Plus add in the fire and rescue calls, EMS calls, public assists, etc, that I get toned out to at all hours of the night / day.


If I'm working at the firehouse, my schedule is something like..


On duty at 0700

Shift meeting from 0700 till 0730

Breakfast / coffee 0730 till 0800

Truck check / inspection 0800 till 0900

Station maint. 0900 - 1100

Training, building inspections, errands, etc until 1700

From there on, we're allowed to sit back in the recliners in the day room, watch TV, etc. Usually hit the bunks at around 2200 depending on how busy we were.

Wakeup at 0530, make sure the dishes and other stuff from the night before is done, make coffee, etc. Finish any extra paperwork / run reports, and then go off shift at 0659, unless you're pulling an extra half, or doing the double.


Oh, add in around ten 911 calls in that twenty four hour period.

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Wake up at 6:30am / shower, eat, ect...

Get train to Felixstowe at 7:25am

Get to work for 7:45am

Work till 4:30pm

Get train home for around 5:15pm and relax.

Go to sleep around 10pm.




Whatever i want. But Sundays in bed for 10pm :)

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