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Html Question

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Hi guys,


I'm just wondering if there are any cool things on the net that will allow me to design a website which looks as if it's been hard coded? I have a project to do for college, it must contain over 7 pages and to be honest, i haven't got the time. I would use Dreamweaver, but it adds loads of extra crap onto the code... :angry2:


I would code it myself, but i've got loads more (interesting) work to do for college and in a very short timeframe...So all i really need is a WYSIWYG program that looks like authentic coding which can be modified to show that i've done all of it...I know i know, nobody likes a cheater buty i don't think i'll get it done in time otherwise :(

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I would use Dreamweaver, but it adds loads of extra crap onto the code... :angry2:


Um, I don't think that dreamweaver adds a bunch of crap in it, they just prefer to use CSS for almost everything which in the long run could possibly lead to cleaner coding. Frontpage is the program that adds extra coding.

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Just design it in frontpage or dreamweaver then look through the code and get rid of the wierd stuff



Then when you take it out it makes it look funky.


NEVER touch Frontpage, you put in one picture and it will add 10 lines of text editing code (even though there is no text on your page). Dreamweaver is much much better, sometimes there may be an extra line thrown in, but not usually.


I would use Dreamweaver for this project.

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