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hello i need some help with course work i need to know how much it would cost to set up a internet cafe n i was thinking of some cheap spec systems somthing like a AUS bord and a AMD Sumperom prossesor and a gig of ram and a 80 gig hdd how much would u reckon it would cost for 8-10 machines for a lan party

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i would go gigabyte for best stability / performance. most asus boards arent the best solutions and with prices going down on a64 why go sempron. prolly as cheap as 600 a piece with min sys requirements. the gpu is prolly where more money will be varied. they range from 100-500 a card

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hello i need some help with course work i need to know how much it would cost to set up a internet cafe n i was thinking of some cheap spec systems somthing like a  AUS bord and a AMD Sumperom prossesor and a gig of ram and a 80 gig hdd how much would u reckon it would cost for 8-10 machines for a lan party


You just said what you wanted. Now theres this site called www.newegg.com, go on there and type in the search box what you want and then look at the prices. Write down the prices for a full system. Then multipy that price by how many machines you want.

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yes semprons are very fun, and easy to overclock, and can game quite well for the price you pay for them.... and Gigabyte or an MSI board both have good proformance and reliability, i have an MSI K8N NEO v2 for my 2600+ sempy and it proforms very well, and is very durable(when i was assemblin my comp i dropped it onto my hardwood floor.... but it still runs fine) :rolleyes:


clicky thats the board i have, pretty cheap, but still good, and supports up to a A64 3400+.....

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For an internet cafe i'd get cheap Socket A PC's you can find in surplus pc shops, that way you'd get more machines and when you're off the ground with your thing upgrade from the money you make.

Remember a cafe is to do research and chat with friends when you're away or something not gaming :)

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Guest Raven65
For an internet cafe i'd get cheap Socket A PC's you can find in surplus pc shops, that way you'd get more machines and when you're off the ground with your thing upgrade from the money you make.

Remember a cafe is to do research and chat with friends when you're away or something not gaming :)




Yes most definately, I'd go with an xp processor a 5700 le video card and 512 of some inexpensive value ram as per the hd get the least expensive you can find.

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hehe... you could get some socket a matx boards with onboard graphics, some 2400 semprons, and like 256megs of ram each...


you might be able to have an msn party, but that's about it lol... oh unless you play old-school games like Doom :D

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Surprisingly, the onboard VIA Savage graphics from the KM400 chipsets plays CS 1.6 just fine. :bah:


As for hardware, I'd recommend a 2400+ or higher, nForce2 m-ATX board, and Radeon 9250/9550's to start.

Edited by FxXP

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i say host a gaming lan party and have people bring their comps then use that oney ot upgrade.. then eventually host Internet Cafe's and stuff... start off slow and make sure its gonna work out instead of starting off expensive and not even making ur money back....

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