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What The Heck Has Happened To This Site?

habitual geek

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i dont understand whats going on here these days


so many haters


so many people who are wanting to start trouble and want to "moderate" threads just because they dont agree?


why dont you 14yr old wannabe's just grow the heck up and be your own person, state your opinion, like everyone else, and agree to disagree


guess what, i got a news flash, not everybody loves you or your opinion, including my own, but hey, thats life!

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Apparently you didn't get the memo.... 


You have just commited thoughtcrime. Expect your account to be banned without warning.  Expect you and your family to disappear overnight.


Sieg Heil!


/End sarcasm





im not trying to start crap, i just honestly have seen a huge change in these forums recently

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If you're referring to your post being deleted in the P&CE section, let's revisit it:


i say we kill them all, we need the real estate


Even if that's your opinion, one would expect you to be able to express it maturely.



Many others, including me, actually enjoy the new OCC, HG. The dumbass count has been cut down on severely. If you don't like the place, then leave.

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If you're referring to your post being deleted in the P&CE section, let's revisit it:

Even if that's your opinion, one would expect you to be able to express it maturely.

Many others, including me, actually enjoy the new OCC, HG. The dumbass count has been cut down on severely. If you don't like the place, then leave.


I'd have to agree with you on that, I've noticed that there are less dumbass remarks in the past month or so.

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Plus, quote other members:


I think the mods are doing a great job so far, but may be a little quick on the trigger finger when locking topics. Just because a thread veers off topic, doesn't mean it has to be locked right away, or at all. (I don't want to point fingers, so I'll refrain from giving examples).


Just my $.05



Exactly! The rest of us around here not only like the mods, but back them 100%. I have actually been VERY happy with the changes around here since the new mods... so much so that I've thought about making a post just to tell them. I've seen stupid threads getting closed, trimmed, deleted in a VERY timely fashion and I love it. The word is starting to get out that this is not a chat room, and it's not a blog, and it's not a debate site. The ratio of real posts to worthless posts has gotten a LOT better.



If you don't like how OCC is ran (which btw, the majority does), LEAVE! Nothing is keeping you here. If you don't like Henry the Viii, well, that's too bad. I happen to have no problems with any of our mods, and the other staff here at OCC. Seems like you're just whining.



yeah i've noticed a difference and quite frankly, it was due. i hope that some of the more (insert derogatory word of your choice here) members decide to sort themselves out.



While we may disagree, and I may of been wrong in some of my posts, your immaturity in PMs still stands. For example:


mom!  timmy's being mean!


First off, my name's Sam.


Second off, like I said, mature and respectful posts are expected in the Politics & Current Events section. If you can't post maturely, tactfully, and respectfully, then you really don't need to be in there.



thats all a matter of opinion Sam


if you dont agree with me, and you cant post something on topic and relevant, then refrain from posting at all


my post was not only on topic, but it was relevant, and it was genuine, if you cant deal with it, or you dont agree, fine, but dont let your little snot nosed baby face get ahead of itself


"I say we kill them all, we need the real estate"


Even if that's your opinion, you could of expressed it in a more mature and tactful manner. Right now, I'm getting a good laugh out of of this, from the irony of it all.


For example: You're saying that I'm immature, but yet you're the one throwing insults and flaming me. I'm taking it all calmly, and will gladly forward this to the mods. Cheers.


forward my butt in your face to the mods you child

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Many others, including me, actually enjoy the new OCC, HG. The dumbass count has been cut down on severely. If you don't like the place, then leave.



Well that's the Pot calling the Kettle black. Come one KB let the man have his opinion and if a Mod needs to deal with him he will but you are forgetting when you were new here. I certainly remember your first posts and they were very immature so give the guy a break. Yeah you have changed over time but it took you a LONG time


Why do you feel the need to post his comments in the forums? Do you like to try and make people feel like they are below you?

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Plus, quote other members:




While we may disagree, and I may of been wrong in some of my posts, your immaturity in PMs still stands. For example:

"I say we kill them all, we need the real estate"


Even if that's your opinion, you could of expressed it in a more mature and tactful manner. Right now, I'm getting a good laugh out of of this, from the irony of it all.


For example: You're saying that I'm immature, but yet you're the one throwing insults and flaming me. I'm taking it all calmly, and will gladly forward this to the mods. Cheers.


forward my butt in your face to the mods you child




so because you cant handle it, you decide to post PM's in public.....




KB, those were PM's for a reason, and the mods know that, thats why we have PM's............bringing them out in public is really bad taste and honestly, not very "mature"


pick your battles wisely young man

Edited by habitual geek

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Plus, quote other members:


w00t, I've been quoted, and I haven't even posted in this topic yet! lol


Like I said in KB's post. I think the mods cracking down is a good thing. I DO still think they're a little quick on the trigger finger, and a little more testy, but it IS still better than no modding at all. I hope they lay off a little bit, but if not, then so be it. I'll live by the rules either way.


On a similar note, to give a personal example, if you get to know the mods a little better, you'll know they're not bad people and just out to get you. Shortly after the new mods took over, my warning suddenly went up to 10%...apparently I "evaded the censors" and so Nerm warned me. I PM'd him and stated that I've used that term several times before, as have other members, and this is the first time I've ever heard of any retribution, or even a warning of such. Nerm explained to me that they're trying to crack down a little harder, and he admitted that even he used the same term several times in the past, but that it just won't fly anymore. I appreciated him taking the time to explain it to me, and though I felt (and still feel) that I didn't deserve a warning (nor that what I said was bad at all), I respected his decision and understood why I received the warning.


Moral of the story is: you don't have to LIKE the rules, or even agree with some of them, but you still have to follow them. If mods are cracking down, then beware and try and be a little more wary of what you type. Maybe if everyone starts complying with the rules, they'll ease up a little. Right now, they're probably just fed up with a lot of it, just as many of us are. Give 'em reason to lax the rules a little bit, don't give them reason to enforce them more strictly.


PS. To the mods, I hope you don't close this thread. I know this is the type of thread you'd normally close, but I feel the discussion is a good one to have, and has potential to be productive. If it gets out of line, then obviously close it, but for now, let people voice their opinions in a reasonable manner.

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