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Ninja Gaiden Black


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I don't think I've ever wanted to break a game disc or controller more than when playing this game. dang F&%(!N6 Shadow Ninjas keep killing me!

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yeah its ridicoulously hard, i can't keep up with some of the enemies




its one of the best xbox games me thinks,

yeah it a bit hard at frist but once you KNOW how to fight and upgrade some weapons you should own in no time

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i have yet to beat the original one :lol:




lol blah you guy are just like my friend you buy the game and blah ITS not that hard

i has to be the best if not one of the best xbox games ever


if you cant beat it send it to me i had to play half of black for my friend before his punk butt gave up


PWNED ninja gaiden , hurricane pack 1 and 2 blah now thats hard BLAH

Edited by danked

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