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Reguarding Presents...


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Soooo.. What is everyone getting for their spouse, children or parents to brighten their holidays? Anything reeeaalllyy special?


I'm just getting as many toys for my two as possible. being 4 and 5 they arent picky lol. (Lucky Me)

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I dont believe that cramming worthless toys in your kids faces is really that special around christmas time. Im sorry but i think that the fact that you're buying as many presents as you can for your kids is a little sad that the season has come to that... oh well. I guess its because im not a parent, im only 15.

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i would love to be able to afford what i would really like to get for all of my family, but i'm 16. so mainly decorationy stuff.. and i had a hard time thinking of a list this year.. i resorted to asking for reeds.. cause they're bloody expensive and i hate haveing to buy them.

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Well...i cant say what i've got for my spouse...cuz he'll see it lol....but anyway...we had 17 people to shop for not counting each other O.o....insanity...i'd prefer to ditch the gifts and just spend time with everyone.

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Lets see, mom - idk, dad - few random tool items, grandma - still got to make a picture frame for her...i better do that, actually looks like I may have to stain it Christmas morning...oh well wouldnt be the first time. Brother and sister arent getting crap. Other grandma and grandpa are getting an All-in-one Printer/copier/scanner. LoArmistead and a few other firends i cant say...bc well Lo might read it...but lets just say that as with years past, I'm still a cheap bastard and always will be :lol:.


Ok yeah that's all and umm now I'm off to investigate why my main rig stopped making as much noise...Oh well still running and I'm still typing (please dont be water pump...)

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I hope that Santa would drop me a Business Flight Return ticket to Paris down the chinmney because I'm in the mood to go travelling this holidays.


Or maybe when I go to open up my presents, one of them could contain Jessica Alba and she could jump out wearing a hot bikini :) - now thats a present you can't put a price on

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