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Logi G7 Not Compatible With Icemat?

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I was reading about the Logitech G7.. and it appears it doesn't like the black iCEMAT. What about the silver iCEMAT? If it isn't compatible with any iCEMATs, what is a good gaming-grade mouse pad that IS compatible with the G7?


Need a response ASAP


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The Icemats are made of glass/acrylic I believe. This gives the laser G7 a hard time with tracking.


If you want a gaming pad for the G7, I would look into the Ratpadz GS or the Steelpad.

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Try a fUnc pad. Only thing your gunna shell out $30 :-X hehe but its well worth it.. ;)



Also since I take it your a gamer you should go for the g5.. Wireless mice arnt as relyable for gaming, the battery cuts out, the connection cuts out, etc...


Frankly I dont know a professional gamer that uses a wireless mouse...


Your choice though... I used to be a wireless man myself but got tired of the batterys dying the signal loss etc... So I bought a Razor diamondback and couldent be happier... :)

Edited by General912

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Wireless is such a CON!


I mean yea "No Wire" Just a crap reciver thats 2 inches away from your mouse WITH a WIRE!


And it introduces the JOY of batteries to the desktop.


The ONLY situation I can see the BeniFit of wireless is when it is in a Living Room with a HTPC.


EVERY other Person I hav seen with Wireless has had the reciver for the wireless right next to the mouse/kb, and never mouse there keyboard/mouse off the table.


But suit yourself!


btw, whule on the topic of mice matz, is that RaZer eXmat any good?? Its very pricey!

But I am considering a nice Pad for my RaZer DB!

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I use this with a G5 (same as G7 basically cept wired) and it's killer..



Xtrac Hammer: http://www.atruereview.com/xtrac2/02.jpg




honeslty i haven't found a surface it doesn't track on.. i even used the plexi on the side of my case and it tracked so I think it would work with an icemat, just not perfectly..

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btw, whule on the topic of mice matz, is that RaZer eXmat any good?? Its very pricey!

But I am considering a nice Pad for my RaZer DB!



I have a G5 and an eXactmat, and it works beautifully. Logitech released a firmware update for the G5 laser, so before the mouse would not track well on the control side. After the update, it works perfectly.

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sniper - help me find this firmware upgrade plz :)



***************nvm :)




dude i think you'll be fine with whatever pad you choose. i'm willing to spend $ on a G5 so it will work without any issues on a medium grade pad just as well as a high-end one..

Edited by IUMaestro

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