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Street Racing And Drifting.


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Well, if you did, you just classified yourself as one.


Once again, street racing is illegal, we'll all be sitting here laughing at you when you get your butt busted for it. Here's a little idea now: Stop trying to be a rebel, start obeying the law, and shut up already.

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Well, if you did, you just classified yourself as one.


Once again, street racing is illegal, we'll all be sitting here laughing at you when you get your butt busted for it. Here's a little idea now: Stop trying to be a rebel, start obeying the law, and shut up already.




do you speed?


oh.. wait, nevermind.. you arnt old enough to drive




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Well, if you did, you just classified yourself as one.


Once again, street racing is illegal, we'll all be sitting here laughing at you when you get your butt busted for it. Here's a little idea now: Stop trying to be a rebel, start obeying the law, and shut up already.



mmm... your first line made less sense than a 2nd grader who needs to tell his teacher there is a spider in the toilet so he peed his pants...



second line... ya, I know its illegal, but again, I dont care........


y4 y0, m3 4nd my fr13nd5 4r3 73h c001 r3b315, 574y 0u774 0ur w4y!!! LOLZ


you dont seem to get it, most people understand this but evidentlly you do not... I am RESPONDING to you... do you understand that? basically if you stop talking, so do I...


I have included the defination of respond for you incase you are not familiar with the word.


Respond (Re*spond") (r?*sp?nd"), v. i.

[imp. & p. p. Responded; p. pr. & vb. n. Responding.]

[OF. respondre, F. r

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And I'm getting one hell of a laugh out of your immaturity and lack of respect for the law :lol:.


And unless you were making the highway comment for the heck of it, the first line was referring to you and your un-evolved friends' street racing.



Im glad Im so FUNNYZLOL!


Im laughing at you and how you think by telling me to shut up Ill stop posting...



LMAO! :rolleyes:




BTW... Im actually pretty lawful, except, oh, yeah, I street raced one whole time... o...m....g.... I am obviousilly going to die because I did it one time...

Edited by Kevin_E_Cramer

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none of the things posted here can be proven or disproved, this thread could be nothing more than an experiment in how the majority of the participating users inter-react with each other on the given subject matter


call it testing a hypothesis on one aspect of the human psychi

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You're not suppose to. I'm just stating my opinions on beliefs on the subject.


I'll leave to play Kal with these words though:


While I may not be able to change your feelings regarding street racing, please just do it at a track. You're risking your own life, and the lives of others in some cases, when you street race. At least take the time to go to a place where you'll be a bit safer, such as a track where there will be EMS and firefighting crews closer, and you won't get arrested after a wreck.


Speeding down something is fun, yes. And the competition gives a huge rush of adrenaline. I can't say that I havn't done stupid things down our driveway (bit of an incline with tons of bumps and ramps). But at least take the time and consideration to be able to keep on racing in the event that you're in a crash. Tracks usually have EMS and other emergency services available so that when you have two tons of steel pressing down on your chest, there'll be someone with a cutter there to save your life.


Be considerate not only of others lives, but your own as well.

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none of the things posted here can be proven or disproved, this thread could be nothing more than an experiment in how the majority of the participating users inter-react with each other on the given subject matter


call it testing a hypothesis on one aspect of the human psychi



back to your studies :lol:


(you are so right)

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At school i dont know anybody who street races


but i know almost everyone drinks


drinking is definately the problem when it comes to accidents and im sure that street racing has little to no effect on insurance rates unless maybe your a young kid or maybe have a history? whatever heh

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