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Xbox 360 Is Not A Revolution


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I got this article from IGN. It seems sorta biased to me. Post your thoughts.



November 22, 2005 - We like to consider ourselves equal opportunity gamers. We love Nintendo and we adore its home consoles. But we've never been in the practice of ignoring or, worse, proactively picketing competing systems simply because they are not made by Nintendo. That being true, we have naturally followed the launch of Microsoft's new console from concept to ship date, carefully weighing the pluses and minuses to jumping into the next generation. Our Xbox 360 sister site recently published the article, "Top 10 Reasons to Buy an Xbox 360," and the piece made some convincing arguments. These were arguments, we're confident, that the scores of consumers lined up on Monday night to get the new console would heartily second without a moment's hesitation.



For the record, we have already purchased our Xbox 360 consoles and we would recommend the console to players whose wallets know no boundaries.

And yet, what kind of editors would we be if we didn't play devil's advocate? Are there any reasons not to get an Xbox 360? And just as valuable to any Nintendo fan, are there any advantages to passing on Microsoft's system altogether and getting a Revolution instead? We thought about both questions for a time and came up with 10 legitimate reasons for single-system users to wait it out. Here they are

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I completely agree with just about every ppoint he makes on why NOT to buy a 360. The only franchise exclusive to Xbox anyone gives a hoot about is Halo and I sure as hell am not goign to spend 450 plus whatever else i need to play a single game when I know I will enjoy PS3 and Revolution a lot more. We are probably getting them for Christmas this year at work, but I most likely wont even break it out of the box.

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i wont be buying any of them until all three are released.


as per usual, sony will sell more than the xbox for a few more years. the revolution isnt going anywhere im afraid. you alwasy hear xbox360 v ps3.....where is the revolution?


plus i will always prefer my pc :lol:

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i wont be buying any of them until all three are released.


as per usual, sony will sell more than the xbox for a few more years. the revolution isnt going anywhere im afraid. you alwasy hear xbox360 v ps3.....where is the revolution?


plus i will always prefer my pc :lol:


Actually I disagree, I think xbox will outsell this time


but sorry I thought this quote was funny


"The Xbox 360's power adapter is roughly 1,000 times larger than Earth."


made me laugh so hard


but look at it this way, if "xbox" 360 is basically xbox with better graphics......look how many people have xbox's.......so wouldnt that be downplaying xbox too


and the backwards compatibility, they'll get all the bugs worked out.

Im gonna get one when prices come down


altho the fact revolution can play all those types of games is really cool....i mean cumon, Link to the past ruled, and ocarina of time (which I made a thread about)

Edited by CoolMaster

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microsoft won't sell as much as sony.

sony won't make as good games / net system.

nintendo will curl up in a corner and die. (but then find a mushroom and whack out another crap consloe)


rinse and repeat.





mmmmmm.... mushroom.......

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badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, MUSHROOM! (1up) MUSHROOM! (1up)


sorry 'bout that.




By my count you have 4 too many "badger"s in there...

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badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, MUSHROOM! (1up) MUSHROOM! (1up)


sorry 'bout that.


lol that dang song was anoying as hell, our teacher played it an entire 50 minute class period when i was a senior in highschool.... we pissed off a substitute so that was our punishment. :(

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