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Attention Mods...


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I posted a picture once with a swear word on it and got a full total ban. No warnings or anything. so now i go by blue_cow. Nobody emailed me or anything and when i got a chance to talk to d3 about it, LP said that i had posted extremely offensive images about this site, which i did not. Anyway, i finally decided to bring that up.

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I don't mind little naughty word's depending on what it is. The worse it is the more worse the punishment is going to be that simple. But as mods we should have have to worry about people's wording here they should know the rules and have respect for other members not to be to offensive. <_>

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There is a filter that takes most of the serious naughty words out though.


You've got a point their bosco, anyone who is educated enough to post on these boards should be smart enough to use clean language, I can understand if someone get's really ticked, but things should, and usually are, handled in a very mature way.

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usually the alley is a way to explode but what has helpedme is that i have to say it in a way not to get banned so in the process of writing clean post i get calmer and let the issue go. ... well most the time. ppl that dont obey should be given a warning and the axe after the second offense unless done in a total disregard to the rules . then mods should instant ban. the problem with society today is the lack of responsibility and punishment. great job to the mods that instill fear into ppl to do whats right . not bad fear but a good healthy civic fear

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true, but whats the point of them watching it when they are having kids @ 9 years of age? :lol:



dittos! :lol: No use for porn when 1/4 of all kids have had . by time they are 16 years old. That is absolutely ridiculous. Appauling. Disgusting. It shows how fewer and fewer parents are raising their kids these days. Granted, that figure may or may not be bloated, but the fact that it is anywhere near 25% is what gets me.


Whatever happened to the "No . before marriage" clause that circulated throughout all families back in the day? Oh wait...that died when religion/morals went out the window. Oh well. I don't mind having 10 year old moms strutting around on the streets, as long as my daughter isn't one of them. You reap what you sow. The moral backbone of America is going down the gutter. The christian faith in America isn't just about worshiping God, it's about principles such as the one I mentioned above. How many 10 year old pregnant girls did we have walking aorund in the 18th and 19th centuries when christianity and family values was the center of American life? How many teenagers did we have trippin' on acid back then?


Even modern christian kids are becoming little turds. It's just a blanket shift in American society. I think we need another "Return to Normalcy"


moral of the story: RAISE YOUR DANG KIDS PEOPLE !!!11!!12!

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I hate to get into a religious debate, but on the large scale, many more Christians are worse then Athiests or Agnostics.



This isn't a religious debate, and there is no way for you to prove that based on your personal experiences. You would have to know everyone in the country to even have an arguable statement, but you don't. There is no debate. My original statement had no bias in it at all. I even said modern christian families are raising their kids to be turds... I'm not sure what your are trying to accomplish here..

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