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Questions About X850xt And X850xt Platinum!

Assassin X

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wasn't there a thread about "if you dont like it get out"...?


gravy, what has gotten in to you?



im not an ati fantaic at all! im running an nvidia card for lords sake :lol: im just voicing my reasoning...as is everyone else. opinions my boy, opinions!


sm3 is good if it's there, but if its not, who gives right now? only you by the sounds of it.


i've seen hdr and sometimes...it's overkill ;) nothing's perfect laddie

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rude schmood..............you are all ignorant, i have never seen such a bunch of ignorant fanATIcs in all my time here............OCC has officially gone BUNK!


reminds me of the thread "if you dont like it here then leave" :lol:

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I didn't know this was an ATI vs nvidia thread...In fact I'm pretty sure you said that it had nothing to with nVidia vs ATI...but it seems that you continue to bring up things such as 7800gtx vs x1800xt and saying that we are all "a bunch of ignorant fanATIcs"


Everyone(who has posted) except you has said that they don't see a need for SM3.0 yet you continue to fight...why?

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I didn't know this was an ATI vs nvidia thread...In fact I'm pretty sure you said that it had nothing to with nVidia vs ATI...but it seems that you continue to bring up things such as 7800gtx vs x1800xt and saying that we are all "a bunch of ignorant fanATIcs"


Everyone(who has posted) except you has said that they don't see a need for SM3.0 yet you continue to fight...why?


well he did instigate it too :D

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if gravy continues to argue, it will but only prove my point made in my previous posts...we (the people who say sm3 isnt a big deal) will not be the ones perceived as ignorant, thats for sure.


anyone with half a mind can see the points made by both parties. both are fair and valid points, just that the majority seems to favour sm2 right now. doesnt mean they are necessarily right, but the majority always wins im afraid, and in this case, they are probably 100% correct.

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if gravy continues to argue, it will but only prove my point made in my previous posts...we (the people who say sm3 isnt a big deal) will not be the ones perceived as ignorant, thats for sure.


anyone with half a mind can see the points made by both parties. both are fair and valid points, just that the majority seems to favour sm2 right now. doesnt mean they are necessarily right, but the majority always wins im afraid, and in this case, they are probably 100% correct.



gah i feel sorry for Assasin X, all he wanted was an answer to a card but look what he got now... Bah, i bet a mods is going to delete about 50 posts from this thread...


Sorry once again, some people just can be rude ... :glare:

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at least he got his answer in the end though, right?


he probably learned a few things about certain people's attitudes and etiqutte too! as polite as you try to be, sometimes it comes right back to bite you in the butt :lol:

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you are all ignorant


enjoy riding the fanATIcal Express down the tube




wow, you're full of yourself aren't you?



I have to ask but how many video cards have you dealt with over the years? how many have you installed? how many companies have you had to deal with?


so who gives a flying fork if you're 29 and have installed 10 video cards. who cares.... you think everyone is stupid for not bowing and agreeing to you?


Let me explain little details here that may make you look like the silly little child you are. you're 4 years older than me, I've installed thousands (that's right thousands) of video cards. I've owned hundereds of different video cards... Nvidia, ATI, 3dFX, Matrox, Promedia, S3, STB... you name it I've messed with it. I've seen "standards" companies try to push come and DIE over night. Glide, S3's own pixel compression utility... all kinds of crap that was supposed to be better... SM 3.0 hasn't proven itself to be any different in my eyes. also I have to laugh at the statement of "sm 3.0 cards giving better image quality in sm 2.0 apps" WFT are you smoking? if the app doesn't support it, it won't use it! I think before you go talking about experience that you have and how superior your knowledge of video cards are you should read this little list so what cards have you even owned? I'm betting it's a very short list and you've never experienced anything outside of Nvidia.



OH and to answer a few other questions... visiontek DID offer a lifetime warrenty, before going chapter 11 and the sell out to Sapphire. but they didn't offer ATI cards then.


also why would I choose an "inferior" ATI card over the "almighty" Nvidia when the nvidia has the all powerful selling points of SM 3.0 and a lifetime warrenty? how about some other features Nvidia still sucks with... full blown multi media systems such as ATI's MMC (which allows me to share my tv tuner over the network), or the All in wonder itself, or perhaps even the TV out feature (where the ATI rage theater chip kills Nvidia... or should I say phillips setup). or how about some of ATI's other selling points, such as that same theater chip and it's capture capability, how seamless the vivo features work on ATI cards with vivo vs the Nvidia 3rd party chips doing the work... life ain't always about gaming o closed minded one.

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wow, you're full of yourself aren't you? 

I have to ask but how many video cards have you dealt with over the years?  how many have you installed?  how many companies have you had to deal with? 


so who gives a flying fork if you're 29 and have installed 10 video cards.  who cares....  you think everyone is stupid for not bowing and agreeing to you? 


Let me explain little details here that may make you look like the silly little child you are.  you're 4 years older than me, I've installed thousands (that's right thousands) of video cards.  I've owned hundereds of different video cards...  Nvidia, ATI, 3dFX, Matrox, Promedia, S3, STB...  you name it I've messed with it.  I've seen "standards" companies try to push come and DIE over night.  Glide, S3's own pixel compression utility... all kinds of crap that was supposed to be better...  SM 3.0 hasn't proven itself to be any different in my eyes.  also I have to laugh at the statement of "sm 3.0 cards giving better image quality in sm 2.0 apps"  WFT are you smoking?  if the app doesn't support it, it won't use it!  I think before you go talking about experience that you have and how superior your knowledge of video cards are you should read this little list so what cards have you even owned?  I'm betting it's a very short list and you've never experienced anything outside of Nvidia.

OH and to answer a few other questions...  visiontek DID offer a lifetime warrenty, before going chapter 11 and the sell out to Sapphire.  but they didn't offer ATI cards then.


also why would I choose an "inferior" ATI card over the "almighty" Nvidia when the nvidia has the all powerful selling points of SM 3.0 and a lifetime warrenty?  how about some other features Nvidia still sucks with...  full blown multi media systems such as ATI's MMC (which allows me to share my tv tuner over the network), or the All in wonder itself, or perhaps even the TV out feature (where the ATI rage theater chip kills Nvidia...  or should I say phillips setup).  or how about some of ATI's other selling points, such as that same theater chip and it's capture capability, how seamless the vivo features work on ATI cards with vivo vs the Nvidia 3rd party chips doing the work...  life ain't always about gaming o closed minded one.



:withstupid: thats prety much all this is about.. gah bigred you sound like an old war hero veteran I salute you

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ya know, you're the one who's being immature about things. someone asks a question about his x850. you post about what a fool he is. other's state how bad that is, and offer the good points about his card, you again state how foolish others are, and how they listen to what I say... maybe it's because I don't choose to see any product as pefect, nor as a total failure. I'll give ya a fail opinion on something... no fan boy out of me (learned that doesn't get you anywhere). and yet you continue to call people fools and how they all wan to be like me.


just goes to show what kind of person you are.


I'm requesting this thread be locked due to your horrible violations of the rules. I hope they at least suspend your account a few days while they're at it... just cuz you're so mature in the manner which you post :)

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