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Geforce 6800 Ultra Or Dual 6600 Gt's?

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Yup, I'd never "start" your system with an SLI config (unless you're doing SLI with the top of the line cards, then it's different). Start with the biggest baddest single card you can buy. There's two reasons for this:


1) Some games don't support SLI yet, so in that case, you'll be stuck on one card anyways.

2) Two small cards leaves no room for growth. One large card still leaves the option to roughly double your video performance in the future.

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Yup, I'd never "start" your system with an SLI config (unless you're doing SLI with the top of the line cards, then it's different).  Start with the biggest baddest single card you can buy.  There's two reasons for this:


1)  Some games don't support SLI yet, so in that case, you'll be stuck on one card anyways.

2)  Two small cards leaves no room for growth.  One large card still leaves the option to roughly double your video performance in the future.


Very much agreed, Plus, getting 1 6800gt May be a lil less......or is it like exactly the same price?

i think it'll be a lil less though

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As an owner of 2 6600GTs in SLI, I say start off with one card like the other guys said. You'll have room to expand, and you'll start off with less noise. When I get to playing a game, my VGA fans speed up and really get to humming. You'll also have less to screw up. Having two video cards means you'll have more problems troubleshooting if you should run across any system errors.

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