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Project Offset


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Theres not a whole lot out on this game except for an AMAZING tech demo on their website. Check out Project Offset and download sneak peak 2. Its freakin amazingly cool. I've always wanted an RPG FPS set back in the days of dragons etc. According to this article they are really short on funding. I donated 5 bucks to them. And I think they're developing this in their apartment?? The first paragraph makes it sound like this is a 3 person dev team of something. I'll have to reread it.

Edited by Ghost2520

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The artwork on their page is just downright awesome. Some really great work on there. The "sneak peak" video doesn't have a whole lot in it, but the graphics looks really good, and the detail on the map is just great. For a three person dev team, this looks like it has some real potential!

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They have their forums up and running now. I suggest you sign up for them and maybe donate a few bucks (donated 12 myself). They say that they will be active in the forums so post any ideas you have and who knows, maybe they will put it in.

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I think it looks absolutely amazing. I'll probably donate some more money to them in the near future as they are struggling for funds while trying to find a publisher etc. How can you not see the FPS side of this? That guy runnin around with the crossbow looks like an FPS to me! The slow motion and stuff was just to show off the engine... they probably showed less than 5 seconds of actually FPS shootin action.

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