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Dell Definetly Does Have The Best Tech Support

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i dont mean to stick up for dell cause there tech support does suck but them sending someone out to have it fixed on tuesday is fast if you think about it. most other laptop dealers would take over a week to get the comp fixed and alot of them make you send it back to them for repair.

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Most major technology companies are outsourcing to India. Microsoft too. I work at a computer place and some people are like "THANK GOD" when they find out they get to talk to someone that speaks English. Most of the outsourcing go to people who can just read off a list. They're not really computer techs.

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Cdog, next time you get gatorade on your carpet, try cleaning it with coke. If coke can clean blood, it can clean gatorade.



Umm, won't the coke leave a stain too? I know it can get blood off certain things, but I don't think applying that logic to a carpet stain makes much sense....

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Remember...Not all Dell tech support is in India, its mainly just the consumer's that get routed over there which is what most of the users here would experience.


Almost all the business desktop, business printer, server, and storage calls are either in the US or Canada.


They are working to bring the majority of the calls over to North America but it does take time.


Also having the laptop fixed by tuesday isn't too bad considering other companies could have you waiting upwards of a week or more, depending on the service centers around you.

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