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The Internet Has Caused Maturity To Drop 10 Points


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This whole topic was written by a guy who said that some other member wouldnt have been in a car accident with another woman if he had been driving an "american made" SUV so he could ram her out of the way. Right...

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You can be his friend, jsut be dang sure he respects his friends.


Dude me and my dad didn't become friends until I was 20 or better and I respect him now more than ever and more than anyone else that I know. I guess his school of "hardknocks" paid off. :)

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you dont try to be your kdis freinds...you do things with them...at an early age you take them fishing, hunting, you show them your hobbies and set a good example of freinds to hang out with. you show them the things they will be able to do if they do there best to follow right path and make the best decisions they can. then they will trully repsect you for who you are when they are old enough to understand that you only live once so make the bst of it.

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Soooo...you hit his hands and tell him he isnt suppose to hit people?....wouldnt that get a tad bit confusing?  :bah:



Well, actually, slap his hands and then take him away from whatever he was doing. While it may be hard to do, it'll teach him rather quickly.


I'm getting this from Parenting Magazine.

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Thank you KB, you finally backed me up for the 1st time! And no believe me he doesn't hit, you should see how the other kids at his age act.. freaking unbelieveable. Mind you I live in an area filled with potheads and low lives who dwell in the ghetto, I'm probably one of the .01 percent who doesn't smoke that crap.


Little kids running around cussing their heads off, 4 year old wanna act like "Gangstas"...


I see these young kids brought up where their parents "send them to their room" or use "time out" and they're now slutty brats.


Before my son grew personality I found no reason for it, nor would never yell at him if he did something wrong because his cuteness.. but now I see they have to be taught young and believe me I forgot where I read this but as young as they are, they love you more when you dicipline them because they some how feel that extra sense of security knowing that you are known to keep everything under control... <--- Does that make sense to anyone?? I still love my pops and my son hates to go back home to his.. u know..

Edited by silkster

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This whole topic was written by a guy who said that some other member wouldnt have been in a car accident with another woman if he had been driving an "american made" SUV so he could ram her out of the way. Right...



God, blue cow, go away! That is not even close to what I said. You take something completely joking and completely harmless and turn it inside out into something ridiculous. It's people like you that this topic is all about. Let me guess, you are 13 years old, a fan of Michael Moore, and would've rather John Kerry won the election? Because the way you twist stuff around and contort it to fit what you want...you'd make a good candidate for the democratic party.

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hit his hands? No you take a switch and hit their butt. It is called discipline. If you just punish them then well you are defeating the purpouse. You should sit down with them and talk to them after their beating and tell them why they were punished and how to avoid being punished, blah, blah, blah.....and just for you people that are against physical discipline. Why is it that this Country's morals and society in general has taken a nose dive since the start of all this "don't hit you kids", "no capital punishment", etc, etc. Those types of discipline worked for centuries and what it was replaced by hasn't worked yet. I am old school and I believe if you do something wrong you should be punished for it and I am not talking a "no tv for a week" kind of punishment either.

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You assert yourself. You go up to your kid and say "THATS A BAD MISTER KIDDY, THATS A VERY BAD MISTER KIDDY" and you hit him on the head.


I'm polite in real life, but in games like CS:S i swear at everyone because everyone on there is obviously incapable of basic reading comprehension and


A. Camp when it says to not camp


B. Spawn attack when it says not to spawn attack




The only thing I tolerate is when there are rules like DONT SHOOT PEOPLE ON SURF_somesurfmap. It isn't that hard to decompile a map, delete the weapon entities, then recompile it. I did that to iceworld today and it took 5 minutes to delete the AWP and autosnipesr, replace them with pistols, and move the spawn points to not be able to be shot on round start.

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Thank you KB, you finally backed me up for the 1st time! And no believe me he doesn't hit, you should see how the other kids at his age act.. freaking unbelieveable. Mind you I live in an area filled with potheads and low lives who dwell in the ghetto, I'm probably one of the .01 percent who doesn't smoke that crap.


Little kids running around cussing their heads off, 4 year old wanna act like "Gangstas"...


I see these young kids brought up where their parents "send them to their room" or use "time out" and they're now slutty brats.


Before my son grew personality I found no reason for it, nor would never yell at him if he did something wrong because his cuteness.. but now I see they have to be taught young and believe me I forgot where I read this but as young as they are, they love you more when you dicipline them because they some how feel that extra sense of security knowing that you are known to keep everything under control... <--- Does that make sense to anyone?? I still love my pops and my son hates to go back home to his.. u know..



thank god there's another parent who sees it the same way I do!


when my wife and I adopted our daughter (she's my wife's neice), she was TERRIBLE. she'd grown up the first 3 years of her life in the back room of a bar. the closest thing she had to an education was barney. but with some order to her life and almost 2 years of both love and discipline she's become such a well behaved child. no more cussing her head off, no more biting, hitting, screaming and so on. and with that has come her ability to teach our son how to behave too. he's not much into hitting or anything. he doesn't see his big sister do it so why should he? and at 18 months that's a GOOD thing :) thankfully my wife and I very rarely have to raise our voices to either of them. all because it started young.


and like silkster said, it was my dad who taught me this. one of the things he beat into my head was punishment. god help me if the school called and said I did something bad and they were going to punish me... he'd do ten times worse when I got home! and I thank him for that :)

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