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Let The Modding Begin Woohaaa!

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I got the briefcase for my Portable workstation/Lan/ConqueringDoomBox !!!! w00t!!

it should be delivered in the next week or so then i gots to wip out the dremel and start hacking hehehehehhe.


actually i have to wait untill i get the mobo and take a few mesurements. But i can fantasize a bit


j5 out

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As soon as i get the freaking thing i will post pics there has been a glitch in the payment process i payed w/CC on Paypal but the person can accept CC on paypal so i had to do a money transfer so i have not taken possesion yet....ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG!!!




will update once the box is in my greedy little hands


j5 out

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I got the case w00+! it just showed up today from the postman. weeeee


ok here is a rundown

silver aluminum brief case 18"x13"x6"

has a tough thin closed cell foam inner layer i will probably leave as it will provide sound deadening

it looks as though my plan to use 80mm led fans is out the window as i took some measure ments and they just wouldn't fit with out cutting the rim of the lid and i don't want to do that. Buuut... 70mm would fit I've been wanting to have a reason to try those nifty TMD fans which also happento be nicely low profile whic will save me room 8)


still planning on a micro atx board will probably be microstart(MSI) or Biostar w/fully integrated everything and usb2.0 (yay) will be putting a nice video card in it probably a fireGL8700 as they are nice and cheap at the moment. 512 min ram and amd xp 2000+ processor still need to decide on a cooler for that anyone know a good lower profile cooler? any how once i have taken some mor measure ments i will post a sketch to show how everything will fit.






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will post pics once i have some my camera is busted so i need to get a disposable or borrow the digital from work.


Also i need to start recieving parts I haven't ordered everything yet I have to be careful my budget is tight i can only buy like one part a week. I will probably get the mobo and psu first to plan placement.




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