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Russian Spammer Found Murdered

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what ever happened to the right of speach . may be that was the only way to get there message out in the STILL communist country. i say he was advancing society . they could have inovated and created antispam software.. istead an inocent man gets brutally murdered and we all laugh. what if a music star came knocking at your door and blasted you for stealing his music AKA file sharing? are we that closed minded my $.02

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what ever happened to the right of speach .  may be that was the only way to get there message out in the STILL communist country. i say he was advancing society . they could have inovated and created antispam software.. istead an inocent man gets brutally murdered and we all laugh. what if a music star came knocking at your door and blasted you for stealing his music AKA file sharing? are we that closed minded my $.02



just because there is a law, rule or regulation known to many or everyone, no matter it be written in stone and assumed, some may not care and do as they feel is right. I know i do.


and as for that stealing music part, hed be going to jail cause how many people are put in jail for murder compared to those for downloading music, his choice. Really wouldn't matter to me, cause id be dead.

Edited by Ste

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But dude, it was like a knife headshot! Do you know how hard they are? Must of had aimbot...

I'm really going to hell now... :(




HOLY . . . .!!!


Edit: like kids don't know UT uses the S word >_>

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Well, spam is a nuisance. It looks like some people took it into their hands to deal with that nuisance.


Ok the methods may where overkill. No, I don't like getting ads for [insert wonder product here]. That does not give me or anyone the right to kill someone.


Just download spampal and make a rule for the junk messages. problem solved. Shoot my email is only 75% spam. Whats the dig deal?

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The big deal I was referring to was controlling your in box. I'm pretty sure someone has spammed the entire us. In fact I think maximumpc did a story on him. Additionally, in fact I believe he is in jail now. There was a letter to the editor suggesting some terrible things to do to him.

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what ever happened to the right of speach .  may be that was the only way to get there message out in the STILL communist country. i say he was advancing society . they could have inovated and created antispam software.. istead an inocent man gets brutally murdered and we all laugh. what if a music star came knocking at your door and blasted you for stealing his music AKA file sharing? are we that closed minded my $.02


someone could go around and lay fresh dog turds on everyone's front door step everyday and people could make some anti-turd device and the world would be amazed at the advancement in anti-turd technology... or they could just put an end to turd-man and his annoying ways...

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