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thanx, now i have an idea


how far can you really push your processor, and WHY do they break if not overclocked correctly?


i heard that overclocking produces a lot of heat, so i guess you need to cool it down somehow. i have koolance watercooling myself, but i bought it because i hate the noise of any kind, watercooling is great!


i ran forceware just a bit ago and it said it did not find a capable driver. What does that mean? isn't forceware a driver itself?

Edited by HR-rash1k

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thanx, now i have an idea


how far can you really push your processor, and WHY do they break if not overclocked correctly?


i heard that overclocking produces a lot of heat, so i guess you need to cool it down somehow.  i have koolance watercooling myself, but i bought it because i hate the noise of any kind, watercooling is great!


i ran forceware just a bit ago and it said it did not find a capable driver.  What does that mean? isn't forceware a driver itself?



How far can you push them? That entirely depends. Some people only get 100-200mhz extra, others can get an extra 1ghz or more. With good watercooling, I bet you can do really well. I'm not a watercooling guy myself, so I don't know how your WC setup stacks up, but I'm sure someone else can tell you.


As far as why things break, usually it's one of two things:


1) People just don't know what they're doing, and they push voltages too high, get too hot, and the chip just melts. Not literally, but the chip gets too hot and is fried (dead). This is very rare. If you're careful and watch temps, you can catch high temps WAY before this sort of thing happens.


2) The other, more common occurance, is when people's overclock is too high and makes their PC unstable, but they don't know it. If people don't test their OC thoroughly, they can be unstable and not know it, and this will cause weird errors from time to time, like crashes or data corruption.

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OK, so thats why you need to cool it down :) is my watercooling good enough for overclocking (CPU)?


i think i cant stay up anymore, HR-Alex says everybody's asleep because its six in the morning here and i want to sleep so i can meet my girlfriend who just came back from Korea.


i feel like i need to give you overclockers a pro-gamers advice. if you have any questions, a real champion always welcomes!


1) REST. it is very important. playing 24/7 will only hurt. eat, sleep, ., CS


2) dont play with bots. seriously. play more with advanced players, and watch demos from first person so you can see the bullet pattern


3) make your game comfortable. with a 5-year-old mouse and a sh!@ty pad you wont go far. Pro-gamers' choice is RAZER diamondback (sorry to all of you mx518 fans) coupled with fatal1ty fatpad and logitech media keyboard. it will make a difference, believe me :P


4) enjoy! if you do not enjoy the long hours of play and people you play with, its pointless to go further.


OK there is one reason i dont like mx518 over razer diamondback. first of all, mx518 is a very comfortable mouse, but razer has a feeling that you are aiming with a tip of your finger, and it just feels more precise. this is my choice


thank you and good night. i dunno how late it is in america

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and you've picked the right board for that :)


plenty of good teachers here.



glad to see I misjudged you.


and sorry that I did so, and might have jumped on you alittle hard.

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I got halfway through page 3 when I got bored.


Same stuff. Intel Sucks, AMD rules. Whatever. We get it. Intel isn't the favorite around here. But that's no reason to be total pricks and flame a n00b for no appearent reason.

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I got halfway through page 3 when I got bored.


Same stuff. Intel Sucks, AMD rules. Whatever. We get it. Intel isn't the favorite around here. But that's no reason to be total pricks and flame a n00b for no appearent reason.


*looks are ur sig*

*sees pentium*













jk lol

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haha, nice one HR :lol:


glad to see that people are realising that they are being n00bs themselves for slagging off your rig...let each man be free in his choices, i say!


just hope that the more "fanboy" members have not ruined it for you already. we really are a nice lot when we are sensible and willing to understand, just, some more than others.

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:) i dont give a crap about fanboys. be fair with you this is the friendliest forum i've ever been too.


actually this is my second forum i've ever been to :) . last one of the official xbox forum. its overfilled with twelve-year-old a$$holes, im not a fanboy either, but everytime i play consoles i feel like im degenerating because of that

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