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Fun Time At Compusa


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with as little jobs as there are out there, I would do it, I would take a second job just for the money, I can ignore most of that chit.

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but to be honest working at bb is more difficult and there is more money on the line than albertsons. not demeaning or anything please dont be offended. i think out of all the places ive gone compusa has a great service . bb always treats me in a degrading manner just because of what i look like. i doesnt mean i dont have money. it also pisses me off when they are telling ppl next to me that a celeron system is better than an amd they say stupid things like this system(amd) is only 2.2ghz and this(celly) is blah blah"see its obvious intel is better." and that amd is a generic cpu. that gets me flaming mad they are making our public stupid.

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Thats it, im seriously gonna go to a best buy this week and talk to them, maybe mess with their brains a little. ( I wonder if they will go with the 9800 is better than the 6800 because it has a higher number? :ph34r: ) I have to decide what I want to buy, probably a very high end AMD gaming comptuer that they have prebuilt (want to see what their high end standards are and if they will suggest intel because it has faster clock speeds). I also want to get them to talk to me about their extended warranty offerings, what would be the best for me and my needs. Another thing I am going to do is come up with a big list of acronyms that I "dont know" (like agp,irq,dma,ddr,psb,fsb, the simple ones) and see if any of them are smart enough to help me "figure" out what they mean and what they do so I can "understand the product more" :) . Man im excited! I hope I run into some serious dummies. Iv got to ask them the names of the main graphics card compaines, and the top of the line cards from them. I need to ask them about 64bit processing and will it affect my computing experiences in the future, and if they would prefer AMD's solution or Intel's solution. Im gonna ask them about ghosting in LCD monitors because I want to play awesome games, whats Anti-Aliasing and anisotropic filtering and what does it do in games but make them lagg (lol) :P . Help me make a list of stuff that I can ask the employees about the new "super gaming computer" that I would like to purchace. :bah:


Sorry if I made some errors, its kinda late and I don't normally type that much because it takes over 20 seconds.

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You guys could easily say any of this about any other computer retailer. I've been to CompUSA and Circuit City and had the same problems. Best Buy comp sales are getting better in places where the Geek Squad has taken over their service department because the comp sales guys are being educated. Our staff consistently says that AMD is for gaming, and Intel is for multitasking. They recommend the best bang for the buck, and if they have questions, they ask a tech so they get better info.

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I get this every place I go. Doesn't matter if it is Best Buy, Staples, CompUSA. Idiots work each of these places electronics department.


Staples just offered me $30k+ a year starting out + bonuses if I would quit my current job and come to work for them as their Electronics Lead Manager. I turned them down for multiple reasons for which I will not mention, but one of them being because I know the people I would have to work with and I know how stupid they are when it comes to computers and I just don't want to have to put up with that. Also, I just can't see myself convincing people to buy HP computers lol.


With the above said I would like to say that no matter where it is Staples, BB, Compusa, etc. There is some money to be made at those places if you are willing to work your way up to management level. My g/f works for Staples as their CopyCenter Specialist which isn't even an official managament position and after you figure in all her bonuses, etc. she makes more a year than I do and I am the head IT Manager for a computer company.


slugbug, I like doing what you mentioned. Going into places like that and acting all dumb just so I can get a kick out of how stupid the people that work there really are. lol.

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i have been at BB shoping for software like a new game or such

and over heard a moron telling lies to customers his lies were about what he knew

not about product

i used to sell retail at a store like BB

and never told a lie about anything to customers

i was not to

he best salesman there but i was a better than average(top 15 % company wide)

and i made good money

it just makes me sick to listen to people lie about computer knowlegde

either you know it, or not

and i dont know a ton, i just dont lie about it

and i was still good

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i have been at BB shoping for software like a new game or such

and over heard a moron telling lies to customers his lies were about what he knew

not about product

i used to sell retail at a store like BB

and never told a lie about anything to customers

i was not to

he best salesman there but i was a better than average(top 15 % company wide)

and i made good money

it just makes me sick to listen to people lie about computer knowlegde

either you know it, or not

and i dont know a ton, i just dont lie about it

and i was still good



I've witnessed that a few times, i work at BB and i've seen people flat out lie to customers about a computer. For what? we aren't on commission so what do you have to lose if the customer doesn't like it? If anything they will respect you more for telling them the truth and not blowing smoke up their butt. But that's just me.


As for the original topic....thats the pride and joy of compusa right there

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I've witnessed that a few times, i work at BB and i've seen people flat out lie to customers about a computer.  For what?  we aren't on commission so what do you have to lose if the customer doesn't like it?  If anything they will respect you more for telling them the truth and not blowing smoke up their butt.  But that's just me. 


As for the original topic....thats the pride and joy of compusa right there


I agree 100% with you, the customers will respect you for telling the truth. For example I was at cartoys the other day getting a stereo installed and there was an employee there that asked if I was interested in anything, I told him that I was going to be looking into some speakers and an amp in the future, so he showed me a few options and I told him that I had no money at the time so I couldn't buy anything (it was the truth) so goes, "well if your interested later, just come back and find me, Im new here and I work on comission which I havent done before." So I told him that I would do that just because he was honest.

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Check out my story of stupid computer salespersons


I was at Wal-Mart in some place in PA with my friend. We went to the computer section looking for Mac games (my friend has a mac). We ask the lady there (a young one, so you'd think she'd be more "in touch" with this "fancy technology") if they have any games for macs. She proceeds to walk to the Windows games section (the only mac games were crappy ones, we were looking for BF42) and she said that any of these games would work fine on a Mac. Wow.

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I agree 100% with you, the customers will respect you for telling the truth. For example I was at cartoys the other day getting a stereo installed and there was an employee there that asked if I was interested in anything, I told him that I was going to be looking into some speakers and an amp in the future, so he showed me a few options and I told him that I had no money at the time so I couldn't buy anything (it was the truth) so goes, "well if your interested later, just come back and find me, Im new here and I work on comission which I havent done before." So I told him that I would do that just because he was honest.



You know, I used to work at BB, and while the salesmen there aren't technically on commission, they might as well have been. I always told people that my commission was to not get hassled by my boss. They were always pushing us to give customers all the stupid sales gimicks....


you HAD to shake their hand, everytime, or you'd get written up

you HAD to get their name or you'd get written up

you ALWAYS had to try to sell them the extended warranty, MULTIPLE TIMES

if you didn't offer AND sell every tiny little accessory with every sale, you would constantly get these lame @ss "pep talks" to try to make you a better salesman


I finally quit there and told the managers that I was tired of treating customers like morons. I told them that I would never stand for being treated the way they told me to treat people, and if anyone ever did treat me that way in a store, I would tell them off and walk right out. I ended up HATING that job because of all the sales pressure BS they made us do.


Now if I shop at BB, I will go in, grab only what I came for, avoid eye contact with anyone in a blue shirt, ignore anything the salesmen say to me, and checkout as quickly as possible. When I bought my 6800GT there, I was in the store a total of about 7 minutes.

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