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Oooh Now I'm Mad


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Thank god i live in canada where that never happens. :) just kidding, i dont mind Americans but some of them tend to be a bit more impollite and/or rude.




Heh I feel your pain bigred anyway bluecow....i've met just as many rude canadians as I have americans....and I live in TN .......most of the rude americans were from the northern states however....but rude people are everywhere :ph34r:


P.S. Thats a good pic of Nat...I cant believe she was 5 1/2 months along in that pic...imma look like a whale :-|

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wow, what place is it at? seems like it going to be out of business within a year or so.




a school district :( the place should be closed. I'm really having a tough time deciding if I should send my daughter to the BSD next year... the sound of flushing is ringing in my ears. I left the first time over some REAL dumb stuff. it started by them taking me @ 13 and teaching me the ropes. I got pretty good at it. @ 17 graduated HS and got hired full time. by 20 was starting to feel the confines of the political system there. new superintendant of schools... demotes the IT director of 18 years and puts a 3rd grade teacher in charge of the dept... the flushing sound begins. fires the HS principle, promotes 1st grade teacher to principle. new IT director was super's college room mate, new principle her neice... still hearing the flushing sound. absolutely NO control over the IT dept anymore. what was once one of the most repsected IT depts in the STATE drops off from # 1 on the S.T.A.R. report all the way to not even listed in less than 2 years (I was long gone by this time). over time cancled... comp time to replace it... hahahaha. $12 MILLION bond set for schools. $11.5 million set for upgrades to already aging computers and network equipment. the rest was SUPPOSED to be spend on the "zoo" aka the football field. new football STADIUM built. artifical turf, video play back scoreboard, tremendous AV setup for all kinds of crap (side note, the football team has one 2 games on the new field in 4 years... my 4 years of HS we were unbeaten in the Zoo, and that record was the last 4 years of a 12 year stretch). NO money spent on the IT dept. $2.2 million FISH tank installed in the high school library. digital ART studio (sorry but I dont' think this was needed) built out part of the auto shop. Novell chosen over winNT (pre 2000 mainstream), all kinds of strange things, dogs mating with cats you name it. 2 techs (one of which didn't do crap) a do nothing network admin, and 5 that's right 5 lazy secretaries, to work on 3,800 PC's, phones, servers, network, printers, the whole 900 yards of it (other districts with FAR less equipment had at least 5 techs). I wanted my CNA which was $97 at the time. they told me I'd have to sign a contract stating I would not get my anual raise,for 2 years, and I'd have to stay for 2 years. I got it anyway. then I LEFT. 2 yr @ compusa, 6 months @ microsoft, and I come back. it's WORSE than when I left. the network admin did NOTHING while I was gone. he litterally pissed away his entire pay check on food and magic cards (wife left him, he didn't care, tried ODing on scripts... such a waste of life... he was one of the people that got me started... now he's about as useful as a garden slug). they had a daily announcement to the teachers "attention staff the skyward system is due to go down within the next 15 min. please log off to avoid errors". this is the goddammed multi million dollar monster they bought for student records, attendance, payroll, basically everything the school district would need! and it crashed DAILY. No one cared... came back, good pay raise finally, started turning things around. enjoyed being able to go see my wife @ lunch time and even seeing her sometimes durring the day when I was on a tech call :) little sneek a kiss type of thing. life was getting better there. then came chaos at it's finest. I spent pretty much ALL my life's savings on the store... well half of the store atleast. just a silent partner at first. then the road rage incident... which got me suspended from the district. didn't mind cuz I pushed my way thru the store and made my money back... and then some. they refused to let me return to work even after charges were dropped. again I didn't really care cuz the stink of stupidity was blowing once more. then they refused to let my wife go on medial leave durring her second pregnancy (first son born little less than 1 yr before the second... god rest his soul). so she put up a stink about that. and here I go plowing right back into another fight with the super there. the F you, you stupid !%^$^$#$#!@^#&%$@$% faced !#@^$#!#@%#$^ type of thing. the next day they decided to terminate my wife's contract and find another first grade teacher. Life went on, and I have to say we're both much happier without working there.


and after typing all that my mind is made up, our daughter WILL continue on at a private school next year... even though she won't have my mother as her teacher



and yes celtica... she was that far along. she just never seemed too big till the last month (he was still early by a few weeks and was TINY). that and she's kind of a bigger (not fat but built proportionally) girl... she's 5'11". we're still debating trying again or adopting another one. she loves kids... and in all honesty I don't know what I'd do without em either. no matter what kind of mood I'm in when I get home, I always have to smile when I see them.

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Guest Silenc3

grab him byt eh balls, stove a shotgun up his butt, call him a craping retard, then blow him inside out like a waste of life he is.


craping stupid fags




pissed me off too ^

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Has the guy bugged your wife again? Well go this house, make him sit in front of the monitor, ask him to go newegg or zipzoomfly how him the price of the stuff and once he sees it, bang his head against the monitor

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put paint stripper on the seams of every panel of his car. that'll show him :)

better still, get someone to do it for you....or drive-by throwing of paint-stripper bomb on car...no-one can prove it was you.

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put paint stripper on the seams of every panel of his car. that'll show him :)

better still, get someone to do it for you....or drive-by throwing of paint-stripper bomb on car...no-one can prove it was you.


Well, they will be able to prove it when Red finishes that beast of an escalade :bah:

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get me a plane ticket and supplies, i will aid you in ruining his life for that sempron 3100+ rig in your sig :lol:


otherwise you could jsut tell him to produce evidence that he can get thoes parts for that price then make him eat his foot...

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get me a plane ticket and supplies, i will aid you in ruining his life for that sempron 3100+ rig in your sig :lol:


otherwise you could jsut tell him to produce evidence that he can get thoes parts for that price then make him eat his foot...




:withstupid: word up, sounds like an ign'rnt dude, listening to his techie about what price he should get this stuff for, and then not even bothering to research it himself before he goes blabbing it off to you. I almost feel sorry for the guy

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well we had a little "chat". helps to change the tone of your voice with someone like this, show them newegg's prices... and suprise the heck of out him... the system his wife got has a retail of over $500 on newegg... suddenly that $150 I saved her seems like a good thing.



btw his wife was at my house talking with my wife when I got home from there. 2 weeks :) 2 weeks till he's going to be out of the house :) she's got a lawyer to deal with him herself.




and no you don't use paint stripper. you go to an place that's heavy into hunting gear and you get skunk gland extract for masking your sent. it says one drop per gallon of water to use it. you take the whole bottle, pour it into the vents right infront of his windshield of the car. especailly when he turns the AC on and lets that "fresh" air in... 3 tons of pine tree air fresheners won't mask that stench :)

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