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Whats My Problem?


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what is with the boys around here? balls not drop yet?



seriously, just do it already! it's not hard to start a conversation with a woman... they don't bite (well some do, but stay clear of them) I promise.


and while you're at it. no more computer, go outside, go find some sport to play, tennis, golf, basketball... something to make you more competative and agressive. it'll help ya land a woman.

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Just remember, no guts no glory.


Seriously though, they really take it personally that you don't like them if you don't make a move when they are giving you the opportunity. They figure that if you don't want to put your arm around her or whatever then you probably are not interested and they will begin to look elsewhere.


More times than not they will like that you did it, and things can go from there.

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go and talk to her.start a conversation.break the ice a little then ask her to a movie.the worst that could happen is her saying no.




more and more people turning to OCC for girl advice. haha. I thought we were all computer geeks?

anyway, just TALK to the girl(s), they tend not to bite, even if you get close.




We are all just computer geeks...and that's our main problem :P  Just be confident, don't be afraid to say something stupid.  Best thing to do is just start asking her basic stuff like "how's your day been?" or "what have you been up to lately?" next thing you know you'll start talking even more and who knows after that.


Just don't be too shy and you're fine.  Even then, girls like shy guys (me :) )




what is with the boys around here?  balls not drop yet?

seriously, just do it already!  it's not hard to start a conversation with a woman...  they don't bite (well some do, but stay clear of them) I promise. 


and while you're at it.  no more computer, go outside, go find some sport to play, tennis, golf, basketball...  something to make you more competative and agressive.  it'll help ya land a woman.




The problem isnt that i can't start a conversation or anything, im fine with that! I can make girls laugh and have a really good conversation and even flirt and stuff, im not nervous of talking to them or anythnig but i jsut never know the right time or how to ask them out on a date or anything like that...

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tactic 1: club woman over head drag away = lawsuite and or jail time... not good


tactic 2: flowers and card = wuss... not good


tactic 3: dinner and a movie = mixed results


tactic 4: go out roller blading, bike riding, hiking = you're a guy, but you can include her in activities that she can keep up with... a good thing


tactic 5: candle lit dinner at a nice place = too cheesy to work


tactic 6: night of clubbin' = shoot me if I ever have to do that again... and if that's her idea of fun... might not be the best type of woman for that thing called a "relationship"


tactic 7: down town bar hopping = lots of fun, get to know alot about each other, and there are other people around to midigate any fears either of you might have about being alone... this one tends to work really well.

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Guest Raven65

Ok dude take it from an older guy.


When she cuddles up cuddle back. don't touch the merchandise.

Allow her to make the first move,women are a lot different now a days from when I was growing up.

For conversation don't talk about football or computers talk about school or something she might like. for instance, a girly tv show like desperate housevives.

Girls like to be coddled they like a gentleman. Be honest tell her you like her and that your quite nervous, honesty is the best policy.

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Ok i decided to make this since there are so many topics about relationships and stuff.


I've got this problem with girls. I can never make a move. I freeze up. Last summer i was over at this girl's house watching a movie and she like... cuddled up to me and such and i froze. I didnt even move and i shouldve done something and ive regretted it ever since. Now this year, i really like this girl, and i heard that she likes me. what do i do? nothing. I do absolutly nothing. She got tired i guess and went out with my friend (yeah i know, slap in the face eh?)


Im just wondering how to ask a girl out or make any kind of move. and i dont know when its the right time to make a move. I keep saying to myself- whats the worst that could happen. Not much really, so wtf... i anger myself. Please help. Thank you very much.



Drink a little it helps. When I do it I become much more confident and I'm no longer afraid of what she might think of me/what I'm going to say next and such.

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Ok dude take it from an older guy.


When she cuddles up cuddle back. don't touch the merchandise.

Allow her to make the first move,women are a lot different now a days from when I was growing up.

For conversation don't talk about football or computers talk about school or something she might like. for instance, a girly tv show like desperate housevives.

Girls like to be coddled they like a gentleman. Be honest tell her you like her and that your quite nervous, honesty is the best policy.




and there's that option too. but the only thing I have to disagree with is you have to set things in motion. she won't cuddle unless YOU set that up. you have to convince her to do that... not by telling her... but by making sure everything needed for it is right there for her.

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K just to clarify (since there are so many things mentioning drinking and such) im only 15 so... yeah heh. And i tend to stay away from all that drinking/drug crap.




AHHHH a youngin! he's not yet a man. let him worry about the whole "hand holding" thing for now and not put any additional bad ideas in the youngsters mind :) cuz I'm sure he's got ideas that would make even us old farts (I'm 9 yrs OLDER than him... god I feel old now) blush :)

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Guest Silenc3
AHHHH a youngin!  he's not yet a man.  let him worry about the whole "hand holding" thing for now and not put any additional bad ideas in the youngsters mind :)  cuz I'm sure he's got ideas that would make even us old farts (I'm 9 yrs OLDER than him...  god I feel old now) blush :)




Agreed, your to young to give a . about this crap.


Save yourself and never look at a woman/little girl again.

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