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Ok, im sure that this has been asked a thousand times over, but im looking to put a new distro of linux on a partition on my drive. Ive got a little bit of experience with fc3 but besides that, im a linux newb. Any recommendations? ive heard good things about suse... and i know it isnt linux but ive heard alot of good thigns about freebsd aswell. What is your preferences and why?



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FC 4 is really nice.. i have also played around with mandrake.. its very nice..


linspiere is your best choice for easy use.. but mandrake and fedora are some of the best out there for ease of use

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The only thing about linspire is you have to pay $50 a year to keep it updated and download programs, when with FC4 you can go to places like www.freshrps.net and download lots and lots of programs and install them with the RPM manager quite easily.

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Recently tried out ubuntu and think it's pretty good so far. Not sure about its connecting with ntfs formated drives and what not, but I haven't done too much on it yet.



Yeah, it's fine with that, I'm running ubuntu here and I am having no problems... I've not tried writing to it (and infact I mounted it as read only, so I can't, even by accident, cos I'm scared of it... But it connects fine and I can copy stuff from my NTFS drive to my EXT3 partition no problem :)



Yeah i love rpm installers. If i want to download someting and see that its not an rpm i just forget about it altogether because its too hard and rarely works for me lol




You're kidding, right? rpms are the biggest mess of evilness ever. Infact it's one fo the resaons I moved to a debian-based distro, mind you, I still preffer compiling from source to packages anyway.

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as everyone else has said, FC4 is a great distro, tis got a few improvments over FC3 and all the apps are new :) no need for yum update for awhile. mandrake is also good to continue learning on, and i havent used linspire...

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Guest Flashstar

Linspire is just awesome. It is organized much better and it seems to hog less resources.

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FC4 seems good, but I never liked it. I prefer SuSE, altho i had problems with the 9.1 personal version. It came without cc or gcc, and no make. But that can be fixed by rpm's from the suse ftp. Linspire ive never tried, but ive heard some good things about it. Well, chose whichever one you think you would like the most. :D ^_^




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