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Apple Sure Has Lowered Their Prices.


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Most compression formats make music sound like doggy doo, the last thing I'd want to do is hear the strange sounding "quacky" mp3 format in absolute clarity, best kept to the pc and the car stereo.

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.........Huh? As appose to..... wmas?


no, probably ".wav" the average music song in wave format is about 50MB, its then compressed when you put it on your PC into mp3 down to about 5MB.

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.........Huh? As appose to..... wmas?



vinyl in my case, but i do use mp3s to dj with using something calle serato scratch live, and with the standard lower bitrate mp3s the sound quality is a nightmare!


so, as i was saying, the only reason i can see for spending that sort of money on headphones and to use them with an ipod would be to look cool. Oh wait, that's a perfectly valid reason for mac owners LOL ;)

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That's nothing. There are these earphones that cost about $900, claim to have the best sound quality earphones can get, and are made to custom fit your ears and your ears only.



Actually, Shure has an option like that for their earbuds. They mention in the manual something about getting custom ear molds to attach to your earbuds. They also have options to attach the earbuds directly into a hearing aid. And it's all for a lot less than $900. :D

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LOL i think they are trying to bamboozle people into buying them.  This is how your typical mac buyers thought process goes:


"oh, they look cool, hm they sound complicated, $300 is a lot but if they look stylish then why not?"

but seriosuly i think they are used by some high profile DJs like qbert, but he probably got them for free.



this from somebody who probably know's nothing about macs. macs prices, as compared to PC prebuilts not custom builts, are more expensive but also much better quality. you get what you pay for. plain and simple. and btw, their prices arent that bad on some of their stuff. especially if you use a student discount (if your a student of course)

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this from somebody who probably know's nothing about macs. macs prices, as compared to PC prebuilts not custom builts,  are more expensive but also much better quality. you get what you pay for. plain and simple. and btw, their prices arent that bad on some of their stuff. especially if you use a student discount (if your a student of course)




i have used a mac, no, several macs, quite a lot, and they really are style over substance imo They have gained the myth of being better for music and visual editing, and it seem somewhat unfounded insofar as music production goes...but this is all horribly off topic :unsure:


I have an

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