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Mandriva(mandrake) Rules!

Guest Flashstar

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Guest Flashstar

The installation of Mandriva linux went very smoothly and in a half an hour, I was running my network card at full speed. Fedora and Mepis don't compare! nuff said :D

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Haha, Give it six months and you'll hate Mandrake!! Everyone with a serious interest in gnu/linux seems to move away from manrdake after about six months.


Glad it's all gone well though and I hope you enjoy it :)

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Guest Flashstar

Yeah, that's what I read about it too, but it is just so fast and esay to use! Who could hate it? I also heard that they fixed a lot of its problems in the latest 10.2 release. It was the only version of Linux that worked and made my 5 year old k6 laptop feel almost as fast as my brand new p4 comp. :) I definitely recommed Mandrake 10.2.

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It's a good OS for noobs, and from what I can tell, the main reason people move on is because they're more experienced in Linux, and no longer need the noob version.


From the short amount of time I used it (I hate their package mgmt), I thought it was great.

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I quit using mandrake one hour after installing it. However, I was already somewhat Linux saavy at the time so I didn't like it at all. Mandrake is all about encapsulation and hiding the implementation of Linux from the user to create a more "Windows" like environment. However, this is its biggest flaw since the reason why so many of us like linux is that there is very little encapsulation and we can adjust the implementation to meet our needs. Mandrake does not allow this. You will learn soon enough :)

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Haha, Give it six months and you'll hate Mandrake!! Everyone with a serious interest in gnu/linux seems to move away from manrdake after about six months.


Glad it's all gone well though and I hope you enjoy it :)



Agreed. :) I enjoy fc3 but im tempted to try BSD some day, i've never tried it. Yeah but a really hated mandrake after a while. I find that fc has alot more to offer me.

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Guest Flashstar

I tried FC4 and another version, but they were both incompatable with some portion of my ancient laptop. What I like about Mandrake is that IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh, yeah, can't deny the ease-of-use Mandriva have. Go to mandrake control center, network options, share this internet connection on eth0. Done.


I've been using ubuntu now for a week, and haven't managed to figurte out how to share my ppp0 on eth0 (made worse by the fact that eth0 links to a windows xp box...)


Mandrake is easy, prob the easiest, but as you progress and learn more you will hate it. FC is a testing ground for RHEL, and they are testing new stuff on it, so it likely wont woirk on old hardware, I've know a lot of people complain since FC2 that they couldn't install it on their old laptop. There are plenty of other distros that will run on old hardware though. Good luck getting to know linux, though :)

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any linux works, you just have to configure it. and if you don't like terminals and text editors than linux is'nt for you.Period all those gui interfaces mandrake uses give you almost no control over the operating system. plus if you really want to know how your operating system works and you want to streamline it then I give you a week, at most. mandrake is the most bloated version of linux there is, it's almost as bad as just using windows.

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Guest Flashstar

I like using command line interfaces, but not if it makes it 1000% harder to configure the os. I mean come on! I tried loading mepis linux on the same laptop and to get the network to work, I needed to go through 5 full pages of crap from the internet and it still didn't work. I just wanted something that would be relatively easy and quick and Mandrake fits the bill. It has Open Office (which is great) and 20 games that are ok. It is pretty fast on the laptop which is just amazing (after disabling 6 services).

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