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Gf Fx Initial Reviews

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I must say I hoped for better results than these reviews are showing. Here is a list of the reviews. GF FX Reviews


I hoped for better after all this time. They better have some driver tweaks up their sleeves, or ATI is going to kill them in the marketplace and with their next card which is expected right on the heels of the GFFX availability.


I had hoped they would put intense heat on ATI for our benefit. So far, it looks eerily reminescent of 3DFX's launch of the ill-fated Voodoo 6 - too little, too late.

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Yeah it really seems like NVidia is going to be in serious trouble now. It seems like everyone is going ATi now. Well the GF FX really needed to come earlier and theer are still a lot of NVidia fans who are waiting but if the FX isn't up to par NVidia better recheck their business strategy quickly, or start designnig a good card fast.

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I think that the finsihed product of the FX will be much better. Some better cooling would prolly help.

From what I've read, this is the finished product - hardware wise. They can still tweak the drivers and they better do so quickly as the online forums are trashing nVidia with no mercy.

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I think it'll come out in afew weeks by the way it sounds...I think I may buy an FX to use as a jet engine :lol: . That thing is seriously too loud to bear I listened to the tom's hrdware recordins at low wolume on my box and they were sooooo annoying.


Edit - Actually the FX on idle is louder than a Vantec Tornado. NVidia may want to just give you a water cooling kit with it to shut the thing up.

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well ofcours it's not that good jet,

there are no drivers, updates or whatever for it, so it's just not good,


i tell ya, the card can go, over 20 000 in 3dmark, with good drivers, and updates, and maybe little oc, but that isn't even needed for that score



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Yeah when i read the reviews on all the geforce fx cards it seemed sad to know u get about a 300 point in 3dmark difference between the FX and the radeon 9700 Pro. Just wait for the "good" cards to come out. Don't go for the no name companies first to come out with FX. In the meantime, im goin to tick with my Radeon 9700 Pro.

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