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Xbox360 Unveiled!


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The "ring of light" with the numbers is to tell what controller you are. ie player1, player2 etc. The big "X" button is the one to access all the online "Live" goodies.


Check out this. Xbox 360


Enjoy. :D



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The original Perfect Dark on Nintendo 64 was AWSOME. I want an XBOX 360 just for Perfect Dark Zero!


I heard the PS3/new gamecube will boast better specs than the Xbox 360, is this true?

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The original Perfect Dark on Nintendo 64 was AWSOME.  I want an XBOX 360 just for Perfect Dark Zero!


I heard the PS3/new gamecube will boast better specs than the Xbox 360, is this true?


This has probably been stated about a million times, but I'll say it one more time. Nobody knows for sure! There is only rumor.

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odds are that sony will have higher specs for the simple fact that it will be released 6-12 months after xbox 360. Same goes for Nintendo, but I have less faith in them.


XBox 360 = late 2005

PS3 = late 2006

Revolution (NES) = late 2006

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on lego's to do list.


- purchase xbox 360

- rip out innards

- purchase broken xbox

- put innards into xbox case

- modchip :)

- mod xbox controller to fit (usb?)


oh. i forgot the first step.


- get money




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