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6800nu/le Mighty Cap Mod

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It seems to have done the trick! I just put me GPU clock speed to 400MHz (325MHz stock on NU things). No extra voltage. Could never bench at this speed before, it'd do it's pausing trick, in both AQ3 and 3dmark (and games). The highest I got was 395MHz, but that was a long time ago. I've been running 380MHz for the past month and a half as it suddenly got unstable and started pausing at previously stable 395MHz speedness.


So yeah, just did AQ3 followed by 3dmark03 at 400/835 and no sign of pausing!


Here's 3 shots demonstrating the hugeness of these caps in comparison :rolleyes: I just did the mod on my cousins 6800, so the pics are of that and not my actual card. Identically done though.








Dead easy mod. Unfortunately the tip of my iron wasn't able to solder the cap in, HOWEVER!!! Before you slap me, the actual holes were a perfect fit for these cap legs, so I believe they're making good contact anyways. I just glued them in to make sure :)

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Lol! That thing is huge! Legs wouldnt even fit huh? Unless you really had to force em in I would be hesitant to not solder them, even with hot glue...it seems like its working tho, good job :)

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lol I know. I was expecting them to be a little smaller than that ;)


Yes, they had to be pushed in, not a HUGE amount of force, but enough. It seems to have done the trick, so I guess it's doing soooomething :) I'll have to give soldering them some thought, the actual pads around the holes are VERY thin aswell, so it'll be very tricky.

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flash the bios too that will help with extra voltage.



Y'think I don't know that? :P


Stock cooler, not giving it any extra voltage thanks :P Mine hits like 70C load.


EDIT: The cap has a voltage of 2.68v. I seem to recall me measuring the memory voltage once before, and it being 2.68v (I was annoyed because the RAM on my card is rated for 2.8v and 900MHz! Anyway, seems to be doing it's job.


Gotta find that measure point again though, on my cousins card the cap only has 2.38v


EDIT: Found it. It's not 2.38v (the lead was wonky at the end and giving a false reading). Both cap and measure point measure 2.55v on his card. Think it might be time to look in to a vmem mod for both cards to get it to stock 2.8v levels :)

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bed!? bed is for wimps! i only got 2 hours sleep last night thanks to a random visitor :P and i'm still mooching about, mrboo :lol:


adn when i heard you say "mighty cap mod" i really ought to not think about you putting a 'cap' on the card and instead think about a capacitor. oops.


sounds impressive-o-maximo though :P

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