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How Much Permonth To Run

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Im running a server in my house. and my dads being gay and wants me to pay him for the elertic that my server puts out so dose any1 know how much it would be to run a 250 watt psu not stop for a month to month?>

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I could be off.... but one PC running at 100% is equal to about a 100W light bulb....


Here is info from the F@H site:


How much power/money is used by keeping a F@H running 24/7 on a computer?


Roughly, a CPU uses about as much power as a watt light bulb. Here's a report on computer power management from Lawrence Berkeley government labs, and there are other references on the web you can find. Although power supplies on most computers are rated at 400 watts, average usage is lower. On average, a Pentium-type computer uses about 100 watts (if the monitor is off). So, the daily difference between off and running F@H is about 24x100 = 2.4 kWh. At $0.15 per kWh ( from PG&E here in California), this works out to about $0.36 per day. In general, lighting and climate control use a much larger share of household power than computers do. So the best bet for cutting costs and conserving energy would be to turn off lights, turn off your computer monitors (which use more power than a CPU), and turn down the heat.


Here is an article from the US Gov (I think)





so...if we follow what the F@H site says and use the figures from PG&E

(one of the more expensive suppliers)

You should offer to pay your Dad $10 a month...which seems fair and would keep you on his good side......

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That is hilarious that your dad would do that...

$10 per month is likely way more then this would use.

$5 of electricity per month is most likely.

If you can figure out your constant draw, then you can figure it out.

Electrical use x 24hrs/day x 30d/month = electrical use

Then multiply that by the cost per megawatt and you have an answer.

I can't imagine it is more the $5 per month.

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First off I find it funny that your dad is making you pay for the electricity bill, I have heard of them making kids pay for the internet but never the electric bill. But in response to your question a rough estimate I would say $5/month.

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Yeah my roomate and I leave 5 computers on all the time and our electric bill is no higher than $50/month total, so thats including everything else, like washing machine/dryer, dishwasher, stereos, tv's etc. Even $5/month seems a little high.

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19 comps at home, 10 monitors, all the other crap... electric bill is over $100


server farm at the shop... somewhere around $400 per month... but that's 55 multiprocessor machines, 300+ drives, 300+ fans and all the networking hardware... plus the air conditioner that runs anytime it's over 45 outside :(

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