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Losing Water, But No Leaks.


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I am very slowly losing water in my watercooling setup, yet I can't find where nay water is leaking, and I have tightened all the the hose clamps. Any ideas? I am asking this because I am approaching the point where I need to add more water, and I know this can't be right.


It is an extremely slow loss, around 1 tablespoon every three weeks.

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Whether its condensation, evaporation or even the apocalypse, it just happens in every w/c system, reguardless of whether or not its leak free. Some take longer than others, or evaporate quite fast. Its nothing to be worried about, thats why reservoirs or fill ports are usually "easy to access." :)

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meh, i guess the phrase "filler up" must be a pain for h20 cooling.


Not at all, I have a fillport at the top, I just unscrew it and add some. Thanks for the tips guys. I feel better now. :)

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