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Find The Bottleneck!


Which system component is bottlenecking performance the greatest?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Which system component is bottlenecking performance the greatest?

    • Athlon XP 2500+ processor
    • Radeon 9800 XT 256mb video card
    • 1024mb Corsair "value" ram
    • Abit NF7 Motherboard
    • Aspire 500w Power supply
    • Chicken nugget

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Just wondering; I'm thinking the processor+ Motherboard will need to be the first to be replaced. If you have any suggestions of a combo that'd be compatibly with all the above components, please post it :).



Maybe it was the chicken nugget?


And yes, this is my pseudo-decent system.

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Chicken nugget definitely...


if you look at my 2nd rig in my sig... pretty much that whole rig was my previous main rig but with the 9800pro (415/360) in there... so i took the graphics card and everything else in my main rig is new...


that's cos i don't like unused hardware laying around... i could have got it in stages, like mobo+cpu and use rest old stuff, then replace stock hs/f with 3rd party, then get better ram, then etc etc...

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Ahh yes, forgot to include that- it is PC3200. Thanks for the info guys; I thought it was the processor+ motherboard too :D. Though my next purchase may be a new monitor and case... because usually those last (easily) 5 years while the other components last a maximum of two before they're too obsolete to do anything on newer games :).

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