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Alienware Sure Convinced Me!


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FAIR competition is one thing. SLAMMING the competition is another.

If one has to do so much "research" to build a system, why not just use the same specs as the Alienware you want? You want an SLi rig like the Aurora? write the parts list down and go to Pricewatch.

I understand they have to pay people, and have to do SOMETHING to make people want to spend an extra $1000+, but c'mon. DELL isn't even THAT greedy.....but I wouldn't buy one of those either.


The ONLY plus I see to an Alienware is 24/7 tech support. But is that REALLY worth all the extra when you can just go to any forum and ask a question? Most people (here anyway) would be more than happy to help a new member.


An I think if I were any of those companies they slammed, I'd OWN Alienware by year's end.

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dell already has its own market.. dell doesnt even need to advertise...


and btw nerm.. the Sweet Rigs show.. would probably get old after awhile... all the same A64's and 6800s would be put in everytime.. only thing would be interesting is modding a case.. like painting.. shaping.. making it unique.. u get the point

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no, for that show, we could use older computers too and like make it the best you can on a budget of $100 or $200. :D

Like a pentium 233mhz with some intel mobo, you get $200 to make it the best you can, what will you do? ie. buy a new mobo, cpu etc. (not buy an alienware)


And alienware, ... everything has already been said :)

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BTW How do I block the ads?


There are many ways of doing that.


You can use a pop-up blocker software like nortan interent serurity there are many other kinds of pop-up blocker software.


Also some web broswer come with a pop-up blocker like firefox and Internet Explorer I think Opera has one too.


On the occ they have pop-ups so that they can pay for some of the sites costs. Its somthing like you pay a certian amount of money and you get a certain amount of pop-ups on the site seen by people. So basicly the more people that see the pop-ups the more the companies have to pay to keep avertising hear. But I have heard from a staff if you block pop-ups then it does not get counted for how many times the pop-up has been seen and in a way the occ loses money. Because if everyone but a few people block pop-ups then the companies don t have to pay as much.

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I meant that once an ad set is paided for its paid for no refunds but say if everyone allowed pop-ups then the compaines would keep coming back to pay more money to avertise. Then compared to many people blocking ads and less money comes in.

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i right click all ads and do block images... plus i use spysweeper.. ive been ad free for awhile


but i keep banner ads unblocked.. for new items and products that come out they might had ads for

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Hi all, new member here. Been a lurker for a while, but I just had to join so that I could post a reply on this topic. I bought an Alienware computer a few years ago. You see, at that time, I was wasn't just a n00b. I knew the difference between quality and Dells, so I was an elite n00b. :)


I'm not sure how their policy has changed, so this may not be how they operate anymore, but here is my testimonial...


I "customized" my computer online at Alienware. I thought, "This is so great, I can choose what I want to go inside! Look, I can pick the size of the harddrive, I can even pick between two brands of hdds!"


I received my computer 3 weeks later (not the 7 days they claim now). I was so excited. But after running it for more than 30 minutes I noticed a beeping noise coming from it. I was nervous, but was reassured by the great customer support I knew I could rely on. So I called them up. After 2 hours on the phone they still couldn't tell me what was wrong. Finally I went online and searched forums for advice. Armed with some useful knowledge this time I found out that the system was giving off a high temperature alarm. So when I called back Alienware about this, they told me to increase the alarm settings or disable the alarm.


Yes, they told me to ignore the problem instead of giving me advice on how to better cool my rig. At the time I figured they knew best, so I listened. And I am suprised it had issues with cooling. After all, for EVERY SINGLE person that ever sat by my computer I heard the comment (in one form or another), "That thing is loud, I've never heard a computer that is so loud." Considering how loud the fans were, they really should have provided more cooling than they did.


About a year passed, and my "free" one year warranty and customer support was expired. A little after that I noticed when I was looking at my video card that the fan had stopped operating. I called Alienware, but I couldn't return the product because my warranty was up. I looked online, and saw some reviews that the particular video card I received was prone to fan failure. MANY customers (not just Alienware ones) had the same issue. Boy, it sure was reassuring that I had paid extra to get their expert advice and so that they would only put "quality" parts in my computer.


So fast forward to 6 months ago. Once in a while when rebooting my computer gives me a "Hard disk failure" error. But after turning it off and back on several times it finally powers up the hdd. So I buy a new hdd. I try duplicating the drive, but ran into some issues. I decided that I needed a fresh start anyway, so I will just format and do a fresh installation. I take out my "customized" Alienware manual that I had not looked at in years. It consists of 6 chapters! Wow, they worked really hard on this thing. Especially considering that those 6 chapters consisted of 10 pages of printed material (one side only). I can't decide if the Table of Contents (1 page) Thank You letter (1 page), Form Feedback (1 page), Contact Us (1 page), or backup reminder (1 page) was the most useful. At least they included basic setup and warranty information.


Anyway, I try one cd (labeled Master CD) and it won't boot. So I try the other (these were the only 2 cd's that came with the system) and it is Windows XP OEM. Ok, so I install Windows XP. Now I drop the other CD in, expecting it to have all my drivers and Office and other programs that came originally installed with my Alienware system. Now remember, this is my "customized" restore CD. This was before "Respawn", but it was their version back then. What does it have on it? Well, drivers. Drivers for motherboards that aren't in my system. Drivers that are windows 98 and windows 2000 (W2k drivers may work with XP, but shouldn't they label the folder W2k/XP for people that don't know that?). But not drivers for my modem that came with the system. Not drivers for my sound card that came with the system. And it didn't have my Office suite. Does this mean that they illegally installed a full version of Microsoft Office Professional on my computer? Or just that they screwed me by charging me for it and not including the software when they shipped the system? I also saw that they included Winzip, Adobe Acrobat Reader (I like getting free software instead of stuff I paid for), a Quake 3 demo (which wasn't even installed on my computer when it arrived), and CDRW burning software (it didn't come with a burner). Talk about customized to MY system!


Then, 2 months later I find that my computer is starting to lock up. My only course of action is to reboot. I really start to worry. Then one day I go into my office and I hear... silence. Now to some silence is golden, but it had me worried since my Alienware was so freaking loud. Looking at the power light, I knew that it was still on. I opened the side panel and saw that the cpu fan had stopped. I grounded myself and touched the heat sink. I burned myself pretty bad, it was as hot as a frying pan! Looking at the calender, I saw that if I would have paid a few hundred dollars extra I could have had the satisfaction of knowing that my 3 year warranty/customer support would have just run out in time for it to be completely useless for me. Do they design their computers to die just after warranties expire?


I then looked online and found OCC. I followed the advice and now have a Neo2 Platinum with an AMD64 3000+. I'm still in the process of upgrading, my psu is probably the next thing since I've noticed that the Chieftec 340W psu that came with the Alienware system isn't providing stability. Good thing I haven't upgraded my graphics card yet.


Then 2 weeks later my sound starts going out. My Klipsch Pro Media 5.1 speakers are going out on me. It's not Alienware, but it was ordered through Alienware. So I contact Alienware. They tell me they don't support other companies products. Or, to quote the e-mail:



Thank you for contacting Alienware.


We truly regret the problems you are experiencing with your system. Unfortunately, Alienware does no support non-Alienware brand products; therefore, I would advise you to address this issue directly with KLIPSCH


We hope this information proves to be helpful. If you have any other questions or technical issues, please visit our Knowledge Base at http://support.alienware.com.


Thank you for choosing Alienware and have a nice day.



So now my speakers have been RMA'd to Klispch who are fixing them now. It's a good thing that I used Alienware with their "painless system restoration", "knowledgeable 24/7 phone and online support", "warranty-backed peace of mind", "optimal reliability", "personalized owner's manual", and all at "savings you can appreciate." I'm so glad that they support products that they sold me. I'm so happy that I didn't have to go to the online community to look for answers to questions. I'm so happy that I didn't have to spend time researching quality products and instead could rely on their expertise. I'm glad that they had my interests in mind, instead of all of those guys out there in support forums who are only there to take my money from me.


End testimonial.



I didn't notice anyone attacking Alienware's claim of having a great selection. I mean, how many choices do you get? When designing one of their systems I can choose between 5 different graphics cards. WOW! I didn't know that there were only 5 different graphics cards out there. Hmm... what if I wanted a better card than they have listed, but not as expensive as the other choices they give (like a 6600 GT)? Oh, but I guess it's not listed because it isn't as good as the Radeon 9550SE they have listed as a less expensive option than an X800 or Geforce 6800 GT.


This all falls back on their claim in the section labeled "At the Forefront of Technology."

"Alienware places the latest innovations at your fingertips by consistently offering new components before anyone else in the industry. This allows you to benefit from breakthrough technologies the moment they are made available."


That's wonderful. So they get new technology before Newegg or other online distributors. YAY! Now, let me go put that new tech in my system. What? You mean that they have to update their website for me to order this latest and greatest item? But it's available at ZipZoomFly right now! Well, MAYBE it will be available on an Alienware system a few months from now. Maybe.

Edited by Qwerty Uiop

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