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lol i was yelling at you last night and u just went past me.. :lol:


ur name is stachman31 in game right.

lol anyway I will talk to you tonite :)



I had my 4 week old daughter sleeping on my chest and arm. I was afraid that if I moved the other arm or my chair to type, she would awaken and the crying would start. Then game over. My name is Stachman31, Capital S. I'll be around tonight. Just created a dedicated Fisherman that stays at NULL. As soon as I figure out this whisper crap I might be able to talk with you guys.


Now level 27 with 11 contribution points.

Edited by Stachman31

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Ok heres the deal, i quit my guild last night. I didnt plan on staying with them anyway.  I just dont like the feeling of being 'below' someone in rankings.

So here is the deal.  I want everyone on OCC who is lvl28-30 with around 10cont points to PM me on the forums.


The guild for the time being wont be 'OCC-only' as again, i want a nice strong guild. But the name will contain OCC


Yay!!! P8 saves the day! If anyone is a high level archer, I will let them BORROW my 42G Archer pant and a 37+1 Bow for a while. I paid 135k for those pants, so I will be needing them back.

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Lol, I paid only 500 geon for my pants :D. Traded a tali for them as well.



Btw, if anyone has any G42 archer hoods, I'll give them about 64k for one. I'm in desperate need.



Otherwise, people can borrow my G40+7(hope to make +8 sometime) to play with... as long as you don't try to use a talisman on it, or do anything other then train with it.

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what about some word that sounds cool that has OCC in it...like:





I kinda like OCCult




Hmm that sounds good too....Keep the suggestions comming everyone...Maybe D3 will make a poll for us? -hint hint-

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