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Can I Overclock This? And How?


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i extremely doubt i will be able to, but im sure you guys know more than me about overclocking.. that is the one area im lost at...


i just bought a new computer with athlon xp 2800+, 512 ddr, nforce 2 AU31, with onboard 6 channel audio, DVD-RW, it came with an onboard geforce 4 64mb, but i just put on my geforce fx5200 128mb... and btw its an emachines.. i hear prebuilt computers arent overclockable.. but its worth a shot.. can i flash my bios or anything?


id love to overclock as i always want max performance while being stable.. (obviously)... thanks!

Edited by HoLoDreaM

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one... idk




not to take away your thread or anything but i found it pointless to make a new one so if you dont mind .... i cant waint a couple months to overclock my new rig and want to know if mine is over clockable


Intel Celeron 2.4 ghz Soyo P4vga motherboard ???

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tthe 2800+ overclocks pretty well, just as long as you have a decent heatsink on it. i overclocked mine 200Mhz+ and that was on stock heatsink and ram the wasn't meant to go over 200mhz so if you have good ram thats overclockable and a good heatsink you should be able to get 200-400mhz overclock easy.

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one... idk




not to take away your thread or anything but i found it pointless to make a new one so if you dont mind .... i cant waint a couple months to overclock my new rig and want to know if mine is over clockable


Intel Celeron 2.4 ghz Soyo P4vga motherboard ???

I don't know the mobo, but you should reach at least 3Ghz, maybe.. I overclocked my Celeron 800Mhz (2Ghz->2.8Ghz)

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Clockgen and CPUFSB will only work if the program supports your hardware, it's not a universal tool.


Without voltage control on the chip and RAM, your OC'ing will severly hampered. Plus, you are on the stock HSF, which makes it even harder.


Good Luck, but I think that will not be able to OC that system. Let us know if you figure out a way.

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wll the best way to OC it is the following... go in bios change memory ratio to 1:1

lock agp/pci to 66/33


raise the FSB 5 Mhz at a time and once it runs unstable raise your core volt (vcore) with 0,05V

when it randomy resets or doesn't boot winblows it is unstable


my athlon 2800+ is 400 Mhz OC'd i run at 192*12,5 and vcore around 1,75V - 1,80V

hope this helps :/

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chances are that your mobo won't have too many oc'ing options. things like vcore, dimm voltage, it may only offer preset FSB's(usually 100,133,166,200 on a socket a board). but like it was said in here before, your best way of oc'ing is by upping the FSB. if you can go up in single digit increments, then by all means give it a shot--slow and steady. if your board only offers the big jump from 166-stock for the 2800-- to 200, be careful. i doubt that it will even post. if that is the case you'll have to do a cmos reset with the jumper on the mobo. and if this has completely confused you, i'm sorry.

here's the occ overclocking guide:

OCC Overclocking Guide

Edited by upok

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