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Dual Gigabit Ethernet


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What is the point of having dual gigabit ethernet? I noticed the MSI K8N NEO2 Platinum Mobo has it. Are you able to use both for increased performance? If so, do you have to set it up a special way or something? :huh:

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I for one wish I had it. At LANs I get a mere 10mb/sec up and down (100mbps), my hdd's can transfer much faster than that, so I wish I had 200MB/sec bandwidth available to use. I can see where its useful but for the everyday user on a home network its pretty much pointless.

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Right now, I've got gigabyte connection between my main rig and my folder/file server. It helps alot when transfering, because my hds can send at over 100MB/s, and the gigabyte connection will allow me to do that (giving that my other hds can also) :-P I actually love having gigabyte connection because I transfer a lot of movies and large files between computers, so it reduced wait time a lot.

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so, just to make this clear... When u have dual gigabit ethernet ports, you can have a total of 2000Mb/s bandwith? Thats awsome. i guess it only makes sense though as long as u have a network that supports it. How does your computer know which one to use? Can u set one for outgoing connections and one for incoming? j/w I'm going to get this board regaurdless, i'm just curious about this feature.

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Also, most games network code is optimized for 100 mbit/second, and you won't really see any real differences in games in terms of going up to a gigabit. However if you transfer files over gigabit, then yes you will see a very very nice speed increase.

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They're only worth it if you run a server or live in a college dorm. Thanks to the magic of DC++, most universities have their own hubs that don't count bandwidth usage. And since its all on the network, you can actually use your gigabit connection speed.

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